Port Forwarding for Docker - IPv6 listening

Simple docker image to forward ports using socat, listening only to IPv6 and forwarding to IPv4.

-Copied from manusa / marcnuri: see Credits & Thanks to the author.


Define the following environment variables to configure port-forwarding.

Variable Description Optional
REMOTE_HOST IP or address of the host you want to forward traffic to no
REMOTE_PORT Port on remote host to forward traffic to yes (80)
LOCAL_PORT Port where container listens yes (80)

The socat process within the container will listen by default to port 80, use -pdocker flag to map the port of the local machine where it will listen to traffic to be forwarded.

docker run -e REMOTE_HOST=<remote_host> -e REMOTE_PORT=<remote_port> -e LOCAL_PORT=<local_port> -p <exposed_local_port>:<local_port> marcnuri/port-forward


The following commands will all forward 8080 traffic to a remote machine located at www.marcnuri.com in the http port

docker run -e REMOTE_HOST=www.marcnuri.com -e REMOTE_PORT=80 -e LOCAL_PORT=80 -p 8080:80 marcnuri/port-forward

docker run -e REMOTE_HOST=www.marcnuri.com -e REMOTE_PORT=80 -p 8080:80 marcnuri/port-forward

docker run -e REMOTE_HOST=www.marcnuri.com -p 8080:80 marcnuri/port-forward

Docker hub

Docker image hosted at Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/gmaniac/port-forward6/


Thanks to marcnuri / manusa for this simple and very clear port-forwarding container basic.