
sudo GUI for a GUI vim

Primary LanguageVimL


sudo-gui.vim is a GUI sudo for a GUI vim.


The original idea isn't mine, but I just couldn't get MacVim working with sudo.


sudo-gui.vim plugin provides the SudoWrite! command, along with a W! shortcut, enabling a file with administrative priviliges to be written. Depending on whether vim is run as a GUI or terminal app, a password will be requested at the console or in a GUI dialog box.

  • On OS X built-in security dialog will be used.
  • On Linux polkit's pkexec will be invoked if available.
  • As a fallback you'll be able to authenticate in the console using sudo.



If you're a Vundle user add the following to your .vimrc:

Bundle 'gmarik/sudo-gui.vim'

and run :BundleInstall (a Vim restart is required for Vundle versions prior to v0.5).


I know there is a sudo.vim but I'd rather prototype before contributing...


  • docs
  • SudoRead?
  • Screencast?