
Home of the Vert.x Starter

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Vertx.x Starter

Travis (.org) GitHub

Disclaimer: This is a WIP project. Any comment, test or help is welcome!

Vert.x Starter is an open-source web application for creating Vert.x applications.


Simply click on "Generate Project" on the web interface to download a project archive.

It your a CLI adept, you can use any http client (curl, httpie) to invoke the API.

$ curl -X GET http://start.vertx.io/starter.zip -d groupId=com.acme -d language=java -d vertxVersion=3.5.3 -o starter.zip


Generating a Vert.x application


Note: {archiveFormat} can be zip, tgz, tar.gz, etc. if the project generator can handle the format, it will use the appropriate compression tool.

You can provide the following query parameters to customize the project

  • type: The type of project (core, openapi, etc.).
  • Basic information for the generated project groupId, artifactId
  • language: java or kotlin
  • buildTool: maven or gradle build tool
  • vertxVersion: the Vert.x version
  • vertxDependencies: a comma separated list of artifactIds of the vert.x modules

Full example:

curl -X GET \
  'http://start.vertx.io/starter.zip?artifactId=starter&buildTool=maven&groupId=io.vertx&language=java&type=core&vertxDependencies=&vertxVersion=3.5.3' \
  -o starter.zip

The HTTPie equivalent:

$ http http://start.vertx.io/starter.zip \
type==core \
groupId==io.vertx \
artitfactId==starter \
language==java \
buildTool==maven \
vertxVersion==3.5.3 \
vertxDependencies==vertx-web,vertx-web-client \
-o starter.zip

Vert.x Starter metadata

The vert.x starter metadata lists all the capabilities proposed by the API. The metadata is used to build the Web UI is exposed to ease the creation of third-party clients (IDE integration, CLI, etc).


Running your own starter

Build from sources

For now, the vertx-starter project is not available on Maven-Central, so you need to build it from source.

In order to build it, you will need Java 1.8.

Building fat jar

$ ./gradlew shadowJar

Running the app locally

$ ./gradlew vertxRun


Vert.x starter relies on the vertx-boot launcher. The application is configured by src/main/resources/application.conf. Please see the according documentation to know how to override the configuration.

Vert.x Project Generator

The project generation is delegated to the vertx-project-generator project. You should clone the project and configure the starter to have a complete stack locally.




Vert.x Starter is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.