
[READ-ONLY] Ansible role dealing with the setup and config of Nginx

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Ansible Role: Nginx Build Status

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This role will deal with the setup and config of Nginx.

It's part of the Manala Ansible stack but can be used as a stand alone component.


This role is made to work with the official nginx debian packages, available on the nginx debian repository. Please use the manala.apt role to handle it properly.

 - nginx@nginx




Ansible 2+

Using ansible galaxy cli:

ansible-galaxy install manala.nginx

Using ansible galaxy requirements file:

- src: manala.nginx

Role Handlers

Name Type Description
nginx restart Service Restart nginx server

Role Variables

Name Default Type Description
manala_nginx_config_template config/default.j2 String Main config template
manala_nginx_config {} Array Main config
manala_nginx_configs {} Array Configs
manala_nginx_configs_template configs/empty.j2 String Template to use to define a host
manala_nginx_configs_exclusive false Boolean Exclusion of existings files
manala_nginx_configs_dir /etc/nginx/conf.d String Path to the main configuration directory
manala_nginx_user www-data String User running nginx
manala_nginx_log_dir /var/log/nginx String Directory where Nginx will store is logs

Nginx configuration

The manala_nginx_config_template key will allow you to use differents main configuration templates. The role is shipped with basic templates :

  • base (Simple template with no default configuration)
  • dev (This configuration will keep serving NGINX informations like server tokens and provide directives for Vagrant VM)
  • test
  • prod (For production purpose. Cleaning all sensible server informations)


manala_nginx_config_template: config/http.dev.j2

The manala_nginx_config key is made to allow you to alter main Nginx configuration templates.


  - user: nginx
  - events:
    - worker_connections: 1024


manala_nginx_configs_exclusive allow you to clean up existing nginx configuration files into directory defined by the manala_nginx_configs_dir key. Made to be sure no old or manualy created files will alter current configuration.

manala_nginx_configs_exclusive: true

Hosts configuration

The manala_nginx_configs key is made to define Nginx host configuration.

  - user: nginx
  - events:
    - worker_connections: 1024
  - file: foo.conf
      - server:
        - listen: 8080
        - location /:
          - root:  /srv/foo
  - file: symfony2.conf
      - server:
        - server_name: symfony2.dev
        - root: /srv/symfony2/web
        - access_log:  "{{ manala_nginx_log_dir }}/app.access.log"
        - error_log:   "{{ manala_nginx_log_dir }}/app.error.log"
        - client_max_body_size: 8G
        - include:     conf.d/gzip
        - location ^~ /sf/:
          - alias: "/usr/share/symfony/symfony-1.4/data/web/sf/"
        - location /:
          - try_files: $uri /index.php$is_args$args
        - location ~ ^/(index|frontend_dev)\.php(/|$):
          - include: conf.d/php_fpm_params
  - file: wordpress.conf
      - server:
        - listen: 80
        - location /:
          - root:  /srv/wordpress/
  - file: pma.conf
      - server:
        - server_name:          pma.my_domain.com
        - listen:               "{{ ansible_venet0_0.ipv4.address }}:80"
        - root:                 /opt/phpmyadmin
        - include:              conf.d/gzip
        - client_max_body_size: 16M
        - location /:
          - try_files: $uri /index.php$is_args$args
  # Enables HTTPS offloading support based on a self-signed certificate
  - file: app_ssl.conf
    template: configs/app_ssl_offloading.dev.j2

Example playbook

- hosts: servers
    - { role: manala.nginx }



Author information

Manala (http://www.manala.io/)