
A wrapper around document.registerElement() to define a custom-element with workarounds for gaps in the Gecko platform, plus some convenience methods.


$ bower install gaia-components/gaia-component



var MyComponent = component.register('my-component', {
  created: function() {

    // Creates a shadow-root and
    // puts your template in it

  attributeChanged: function() {},
  attached: function() {},
  detached: function() {},

  template: `
    <button>I live in shadow-dom</button>
      button { color: red }

  // Some CSS doesn't work
  // in shadow-dom stylesheets,
  // this CSS gets put in the <head>
  globalCss: `
    @keyframes my-animation { ... }
    @font-face { ... }

  // Property descriptors that get defined
  // on the prototype and get called
  // when matching attributes change
  attrs: {
    customAttr: {
      get: function() { return this._customAttr; },
      set: function(value) { this._customAttr = value; }

var myComponent = new MyComponent();

myComponent.setAttribute('custom-attr', 'foo');
myComponent.customAttr; //=> 'foo';


  1. Ensure Firefox Nightly is installed on your machine.
  2. $ npm install
  3. $ npm test

If your would like tests to run on file change use:

$ npm run test-dev