
Simple QSAR training and inference demo using large language models

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


An attempt at training and calling QSAR models using large language models.

The repository implements:

  1. A wrapper around lightgbm's LGBMRegressor and LGBMClassifier that allows to easily train simple regression and classification models
  2. A set of langchain tools to instruct LLM to download ChEMBL data packages for biological targets, train models and predict the actiivty of molecules

Model parameters are saved as lightgbm.Booster params TXT files, and information on all trained models is stored using shelve

The tools and the agent have been set up to be able to handle most parsing and internal errors, helping the LLM correct its queries

Set up the environment

pip install -r requirements.txt


name description
get_models List shelved models
protein_name_to_accession Convert protein name to UniProt accession
accession_to_chembl_target_id Convert UniProt accession to ChEMBL target ID
query_target_data Query activity data in ChEMBL for a given target ID
train_model Train a regression/classification lightgbm model
predict_molecule Predict the activity of a molecule given a model


Check the Jupyter Notebook for examples


The query

text = """
Train a regression model to predict activity for JAK2 using a fresh ChEMBL data package for the target.
Make sure to resolve the protein name to the correct ChEMBL target ID"""


> Entering new AgentExecutor chain...

  "action": "protein_name_to_accession",
  "action_input": {
    "protein_name": "JAK2"

Observation: ('JAK2_HUMAN', 'Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2', 'O60674')
Thought: I need to use the accession to get the ChEMBL target ID
  "action": "accession_to_chembl_target_id",
  "action_input": {
    "accession": "O60674"

Observation: ('Tyrosine-protein kinase JAK2', 'CHEMBL2971', 'O60674')
Thought: I need to query the ChEMBL data package
  "action": "query_target_data",
  "action_input": {
    "target_chembl_id": "CHEMBL2971",
    "output_csv": "JAK2.csv"

Querying ChEMBL for CHEMBL2971: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████| 7454/7454 [00:00<00:00, 15249.65it/s]

Observation: {'pchembl_value': {'count': 6484.0, 'mean': 7.341097866394738, 'std': 1.219005643404945, 'min': 3.84, '25%': 6.48, '50%': 7.31, '75%': 8.14, 'max': 10.97}}
Thought: I need to train a model
  "action": "train_model",
  "action_input": {
    "input_csv": "JAK2.csv",
    "mode": "regression",
    "model_name": "JAK2_regression",
    "output_path": "JAK2_regression.txt"

Observation: ('r2', 0.5840131903651216)
Thought: I have the final answer
  "action": "Final Answer",
  "action_input": "I have trained a regression model for JAK2 with an R2 score of 0.58."
> Finished chain.

'I have trained a regression model for JAK2 with an R2 score of 0.58.'