
Primary LanguageC#


How to run the final project -

  1. Change connection string in appsettings and run migrations for the following project (6 database will be created) • Mango.CouponAPI • Mango.Services.Email • Mango.Services.Identity • Mango.Services.OrderAPI • Mango.Services.ProductAPI • Mango.Services.ShoppingCartAPI
  2. Search term to change service bus connection string (do ctrl+shift+f and replace, should be 4 places) - sb://mangorestaurant
  3. Create the following queues and topics/subscriptions in Azure Service bus. • Queue - checkoutqueue • Topic 1 - checkoutmessagetopic o Subscription (Topic 1) - mangoOrderSubscription (subscription) • Topic 2 - orderpaymentprocesstopic o Subscription (Topic 2) - mangoPayment • Topic 3 - orderupdatepaymentresulttopic o Subscription (Topic 3) - emailSubscription o Subscription (Topic 3) - mangoOrderSubscription