
PyAuthenNTLM2 is a pure Python module that enables Apache to carry out authentication via NTLM and an external Domain Controller.

Primary LanguagePython

PyAuthenNTLM2 is a module that enables Apache to carry out authentication by
means of the NTLM protocol and a separate Domain Controller.


The specific use case of PyAuthenNTLM2 is the following:

 * Users have valid accounts in an existing Windows domain, and you want such
   credentials to be used for HTTP authentication.
 * Apache runs on a server that is not part of the Windows domain.
 * Some of the users cannot use Kerberos. For instance, they connect via a proxy
   or they use machines that are not part of the domain.

Although Kerberos (including its Microsoft variant "Integrated Windows
Authentication") is the best option in terms of security for HTTP
authentication, the venerable NTLM protocol is still a good compromise, much
better than the widespread Basic protocol and marginally better than Digest.
With Basic, anybody can pick up your password from the messages sent to the
server (unless you use TLS), whereas with Digest the web server needs local
access to the actual password. With NTLM, the webserver can relay every
authorization requests to the Domain Controller: it never has to neither see
nor store the real passwords.

Note that NTLMv1 is based on cryptography that by today standards is very weak.
Ensure that your clients always use NTLMv2. PyAuthenNTLM2 handles equally well
all the various NTLM variants (such as NTLMv2 Session, and NTLMv2).


* Mod-python [4]
* Python 2.x
* Apache 2.x

Test was carried out with:
 - a server with mod-python 3.3.1, Apache 2.2, and Python 2.6. 
 - clients with Internet Explorer 7/8, Firefox 7.0, and Chrome.


python setup.py install

Usage is best shown by an example of Apache configuration:

<Directory /var/lib/some_directory>

    AuthType NTLM
    AuthName WDOMAIN
    require valid-user
    PythonAuthenHandler /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/pyntlm.py
    PythonOption Domain WDOMAIN
    PythonOption PDC
    PythonOption BDC

    # Bypass authentication for local clients.
    # Comment these lines if they should authenticate too.
    Order deny,allow
    Deny  from all
    Allow from
    Satify any


All non-local clients trying to access a URI mapped under the directory
/var/lib/some_directory will be asked for credentials valid in the Windows
Domain WDOMAIN. The user name to enter need to be in the format:
wdomain\useridentifier (for instance windom\jbrown).

Local clients (that is, those connecting from will not be presented
with any request for authentication.

The following options exist:

* AuthType NTLM                     Always specify it like this.
* require valid-user                Always specify it like this.
* AuthName [domain]                 Replace [domain] with the domain name to
                                    present to users in the pop-up dialog.
* PythonAuthenHandler [pyntlm.py]   Replace [pyntlm.py] with the complete,
                                    absolute path to the pyntlm.py script.
* PythonOption Domain [domain]      Replace [domain] with the Windows domain
                                    name (uppercase).
* PythonOption PDC [pdc]            Replace [pdc] with the address of the
                                    Primary Domain Controller (either IP or DNS
* PythonOption BDC [bdc]            Replace [bdc] with the address of the Backup
                                    Domain Controller (either IP or DNS name).
                                    This entry is optional.

Apache needs to be configured to send keep alives (directive 'KeepAlive On').


All logs will show up in the Apache log file.


Microsoft for the large amount of technical specifications about NTLM and SMB
it disclosed [1].
Eric Glass for his long article about NTLM [2]. In several ways, it is more
complete and precise than [1].
Gerald Ritcher and Shannon Eric Peevey for AuthenNTLM [3], which inspired this


Send an email to Legrandin <gooksankoo@hoiptorrow.mailexpire.com> or drop a
message at https://github.com/Legrandin/PyAuthenNTLM2.


[1] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg258393%28v=PROT.13%29.aspx
[2] http://davenport.sourceforge.net/ntlm.html
[3] http://search.cpan.org/~speeves/Apache2-AuthenNTLM-0.02/AuthenNTLM.pm
[4] http://www.modpython.org

Add sample NTLM client, so that you can test without a browser.
Right now, PyAuthenNTLM2 is authoritative. It can be improved to allow to work along with other schemes, like Basic.
Since mod-python is not that active anymore, port it to modwsgi.
Extend it so that it can be used also for group authorization, where groups are defined in AD.
Add support for lighttpd.