
Setup notes:

  1. This project must be open from root folder with Android Studio, where the settings.gradle is located.
  2. You need to use your own GoogleMaps API key to actually see a map.
  3. It has built-in cache support, which can be disabled by changing buildConfigField USE_CACHE value to false.
  4. Polygons are merged by default, it can be disabled by switching buildConfigField MERGE_POLYGONS to false.
  5. The buildConfigField API_ENDPOINT points by default to a fantasy server. There is a device buildType which points to the same host machine where an emulator is running. It should also work with real devices on the same WiFi network.
  6. There is a mock buildType, which preloads all data from the server and stores as assets. okhttp-client-mock is used to intercept HTTPs requests.
  7. The server can be started by running ./gradlew server:run