
Rust net server framework

Primary LanguageRust

Async Server Framework

Server-Fx is a framework for building asynchronous network servers in Rust. It doesn't use event-based IO. Instead it uses busy polling on background threads. Although it doesn't use Futures or Tokio, it borrows a lot of their concepts.

Server-Fx is a WIP and isn't production ready in it's current state - The HTTP parser is a bit hand-wavey, for example.

Current Performance

These figures are based on the simple_http example, running on a rather dated Macbook Pro 5,4 (Core 2 Duo, 8GB)

./wrk -t5 -c500 -d1m http://localhost:5050/content/overview
Running 1m test @ http://localhost:5050/content/overview
  5 threads and 500 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    29.56ms   10.69ms 367.95ms   83.71%
    Req/Sec     3.43k   387.94     6.26k    81.37%
  1020232 requests in 1.00m, 1.10GB read
Requests/sec:  16977.14
Transfer/sec:     18.75MB