
A collection of source code and build scripts targeting the Digilent Basys3 FPGA board

Primary LanguageVHDLMIT LicenseMIT

FPGA Design Repository for Basys3 Evaluation Board


This repository serves as a comprehensive collection of FPGA designs tailored for the Basys3 evaluation board. The primary goal is to provide a versatile and easily accessible resource for FPGA prototyping, enabling users to swiftly derive designs for a range of applications.


1. Modular Design Architecture

The project follows a modular design approach, breaking down complex functionalities into manageable modules. This architecture enhances reusability and simplifies the process of creating custom designs by allowing users to mix and match pre-existing modules.

2. IP Cores

A collection of Intellectual Property (IP) cores is provided, covering common functionalities such as UART communication, GPIO interfacing, and more. These cores are optimized for the Basys3 platform and can be seamlessly integrated into new designs.

3. Example Designs

The repository includes a variety of example designs showcasing the capabilities of the Basys3 board. These examples range from basic LED blinking applications to more complex projects, providing users with a solid starting point for their own implementations.

4. Documentation

Comprehensive documentation is available to guide users through the setup, configuration, and customization processes. This includes detailed instructions for integrating IP cores, modifying existing designs, and adapting the repository to suit specific project requirements.

Getting Started

To get started with a new project:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Review the documentation to understand the repository structure and available modules.
  3. Choose an example design or build your custom design using the provided modules.
  4. Follow the step-by-step instructions in the documentation to configure and implement your design for the Basys3 board.


Contributions to the repository are welcome. If you have improvements, bug fixes, or additional modules to share, please submit a pull request. Make sure to follow the contribution guidelines outlined in the repository.