(based on https://github.com/mbedulibrary/koha-1905-ansible, in turn based on https://github.com/nemobis/beic-koha)
- Install Core CentOS 7 (1810) – Choose Server GUI software package, Connect to Network, set hostname, set time zone, make partitions as needed, set root password and create Admin user (koha-admin)
- Update CentOS – sudo yum update
- Enable EPEL – sudo yum -y install epel-release
- Update Install – sudo yum -y update
- Install Apache - sudo yum -y install httpd
- Install Ansible and MySQL Python - sudo yum -y install ansible MySQL-python git cpanminus perl*
- Create user koha, group koha and add koha (user) to koha and apache groups
- sudo adduser koha
- sudo adduser koha-admin # currently expects to build in /home/koha-admin
- sudo usermod -a -G koha koha
- sudo usermod -a -G apache koha
- Clone or Download ansible playbook
- Go to Download Location of ansible playbook
- Run Ansible - sudo ansible-playbook --connection local -i inventory.ini -u koha --step koha.yml
- Secure MySQL Database - sudo mysql_secure_installation
- Find IP address of install server or localhost on port 8080 (localhost:8080) and begin web installation (username: kohaadmin password:katikoan)
- Go to About Koha and update required Perl modules manually with cpanm (ex:sudo cpanm Module::Name)
- Start and enable memcached at boot:
- sudo systemctl start memcached
- sudo systemctl enable memcached