
Python scripts to automate various administrative tasks in Veracode Security Labs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Security Labs Scripts

Python scripts to automate various administrative tasks in Veracode Security Labs.

NOTE: These scripts require a local environment variable called SECLABS_API_AUTH with a value of {key}:{secret}, where {key} and {secret} are the API credentials generated by a Security Labs administrator from the Team Settings page in the UI.


This script adds the given role to the user(s) provided. Existing roles are retained.


add_role_to_users.py [-h] --role ROLE [--user USER] [--file FILE]

  • --role the role name to be added (exact case required)
  • --user target user's name; use to add role to a single user
  • --file a text file containing names of the target users in a single column; use when adding role to multiple users

NOTE: --user and --file are mutually exclusive


> python add_role_to_users.py --role "New Hires" --file users.txt

> python add_role_to_users.py --role "Mobile App Developer" --user "John Smith"


This script disables the user(s) provided.


disable_users.py [-h] [--user USER] [--file FILE]

  • --user target user's name; use to disable a single user
  • --file a text file containing names of the target users in a single column; use when disabling multiple users

NOTE: --user and --file are mutually exclusive


> python disable_users.py --file users.txt

> python disable_users.py --user "John Smith"


This script returns a list of relevant labs for the given keyword or phrase.


find_labs_for_keyword.py [-h] --keyword KEYWORD [--format FORMAT]

  • --keyword the search word or phrase
  • --format indicates the output format. Valid values are JSON and CSV. The default is JSON.


> python find_labs_for_keyword.py --keyword CWE-117

> python find_labs_for_keyword.py --keyword "OWASP #8" --format CSV


This script retrieves all labs that are assigned in live campaigns, including labs for assignments that haven't started yet. Output is in JSON format.



NOTE: No arguments for this script.


> python get_assigned_labs.py


This script returns the list of users for a given role.


get_users_for_role.py [-h] --role ROLE [--format FORMAT]

  • --role the role name (exact case required)
  • --format indicates the output format. Valid values are JSON and CSV. The default is JSON.


> python get_users_for_role.py --role "New Hires"

> python get_users_for_role.py --role "Mobile App Developer" --format CSV


This script invites people to join Security Labs. Invited users are automatically assigned the default role(s).


invite_users.py [-h] --file FILE --invited_by INVITED_BY [--send_email SEND_EMAIL]

  • --file a CSV file containing a list of people to invite (email, name) in two columns where email is required and name is optional.
  • --invited_by the name or ID of the Security Labs administrator who is creating the invitation
  • --send_email whether or not to send the activation email. Valid values are true or false. The default is true.


> python invite_users.py --file users.txt --invited_by "Dave Ferguson"

> python invite_users.py --file users.csv --invited_by 620d7333f6a514002fc7c499 --send_email false