
Author: George Mead Version: 1.0.5


Getting Started

Lab 6 WRRC

Lab 7 WRRC

Lab 8 WRRC

Lab 9 WRRC

Lab 10 WRRC


Change Log

Sep. 20th 5:30pm

  • Features added:
    1. Set up react repo and api keys
    2. Rendered locations, lat, long
    3. Rendered map
    4. Created error message
  • Estimate of time needed to complete: 3 hours
  • Start time: 12:30pm
  • Finish time: 5:30pm
  • Actual time needed to complete: 5 hours

Sep. 21st 5:30pm

  • Features added:
    1. Set up rever repo and api keys
    2. Rendered forecast
    3. Created error message
  • Estimate of time needed to complete: 3 hours
  • Start time: 12:30pm
  • Finish time: 5:30pm
  • Actual time needed to complete: 5 hours

Sep. 22d 5:30pm

  • Features added:
    1. Added live weather updates
  • Estimate of time needed to complete: 3 hours
  • Start time: 12:30pm
  • Finish time: 8:00pm
  • Actual time needed to complete: 7.5 hours

Sep. 23d 5:30pm

  • Features added:
    1. Added movies
    2. Connected frontend to backend
  • Estimate of time needed to complete: 6 hours
  • Start time: 12:30pm
  • Finish time: 6:30pm
  • Actual time needed to complete: 6 hours

Sep. 24th 5:30pm

  • Features added:
    1. Refactored code
    2. Connected to remote servers
  • Estimate of time needed to complete: 3 hours
  • Start time: 12:30pm
  • Finish time: 7:30pm
  • Actual time needed to complete: 7 hours

Credit and Collaborations

  • First and foremost, the TAs: Audrey, Hexx, and Riva!
  • Also to JB for helping me identify a bug