
Now you won't miss the moment the domain expires.

Primary LanguageGo


Release Build Go Report Card Powered By: GoReleaser

App collects domains from all Ingress resources in a Kubernetes cluster and provides its expiry information.

Metrics example

App provides 3 metrics per domain and 1 metric with total number of the requests to the whois servers.

# HELP domain_expiry_days time in days until the domain expires
# TYPE domain_expiry_days gauge
domain_expiry_days{ingress="google",name="google.com",ns="google",raw="google.com",source="config"} 3014
domain_expiry_days{ingress="example",name="example.com",ns="default",raw="test.example.com",source="k8s"} 341
# HELP domain_last_updated last update of the domain
# TYPE domain_last_updated gauge
domain_last_updated{ingress="google",name="google.com",ns="google",raw="google.com",source="config"} 1.592078203e+09
domain_last_updated{ingress="example",name="example.com"",ns="default",raw="test.example.com",source="k8s"} 1.592078203e+09
# HELP domain_update_error error on domain update
# TYPE domain_update_error gauge
domain_update_error{ingress="google",name="google.com",ns="google",raw="google.com",source="config"} 0
domain_update_error{ingress="example",name="example.com"",ns="default",raw="test.example.com",source="k8s"} 0
# HELP domain_whois_requests requests to the whois servers
# TYPE domain_whois_requests counter
domain_whois_requests 2


  • via binary

Just download and run binary for your platform https://github.com/shurshun/domain-harvester/releases

  • via docker
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config -p 8081:8081 shurshun/domain-harvester
  • via helm

Application could be installed using my own Helm chart go-app

helm repo add shurshun https://shurshun.github.com/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install domain-harverster shurshun/go-app -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shurshun/domain-harvester/master/.helm/values.yaml

Configuration options

   --kubeconfig value        Path to K8S config [optional] [$KUBECONFIG]
   --config value, -c value  Path to config with domains [yaml] (default: "config.yml") [$CONFIG]
   --log-level value         info/error/debug (default: "debug") [$LOG_LEVEL]
   --metrics-addr value      Metrics addr (default: ":8081") [$METRICS_ADDR]
   --help, -h                show help
   --version, -v             print the version


For any additional information, please, contact me via telegram @shursh