
This is a simple private blockchain implementation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Chain

This is a start implementation of a simple chain blockchain being cosumed by restful apis using Hapi.js framework.

Getting Started


You need the LTS verion of node installed in your machine. You can get it here : https://nodejs.org/en/


After having the node installed you can fork this project into your account and clone it. In the root folder of the project execute:

npm install

And to start the project you need to run:

npm start

Running tests

After having all node dependencies installed you can run:

npm test


Inside of the project you have a .env folder that contains a config folder inside with a json that you can add your enviroments configurations of host and port:

    "<YOUR_ENV>" : {
        "host" : "<YOUR_HOST>",
        "port" : "<YOUR_PORT>"

By default if you don't specify any environment the project will use the dev configured already. If you want to use your configuration you can execute the project like this:

ENV=<YOUR_ENV> npm start


GET /block/{block_height}

In this endpoint you can get the block height disared by passing at the end of path param;

GET /stars/address:{address}

In this endpoint you can get the block by the wallet address disared by passing at the end of path param;

GET /stars/hash:{hash}

In this endpoint you can get the block by the hash disared by passing at the end of path param;

POST /block

In this enpoint you can add a new block (Star Registry) to the chain the body should contain some data following this:

	"star":  {
		"story": "<STORY>" (REQUIRED, max of 250 words / 500 bytes ),
        "mag": "<MAGNITUDE>" (OPTIONAL),
        "cons": "<CONSTELATION>" (OPTIONAL)

POST /requestValidation

In this endpoint is where you start asking for a star registration in the block. You should pass:


POST /message-signature/validate

After asking for a validation you shoul sign the message returned /requestValidation endpoint and call this endpoint with:

    "signature": <SIGNED_MESSAGE> (REQUIRED)

Built With


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Guilherme NMDfc - Initial work