Dependency Injection Sample for Servicefabric

The current sample uses Unity, but the goal is to move away from a specific container and use the CoreCLR dependency injection abstractions.

What will happen in the sample?

  1. A MyTestActor(id="MyCoolActor") will be created, activated and 10secs later it will ask MySecondTestActor to do some work.
  2. The MyTestActor(id="MyCoolActor") will be garbage collected after 120 seconds, see the registration in program.cs
  3. The MyTestActor(id="MyCoolActor") will be recreated, activated again each 3min and do the same as in 1.
  4. The MySecondTestActor(id="MyCoolActor") will be garbage collected after 30sec and recreated every 1 min due to its own reminder or every 3min due to the dowork call in 1.
  5. The MySecondTestActor(id="MyCoolActor") will every 1 min ask DependencyInjectionActorSample for its count, increase it by one and set it again.


Every new actor or service created will have a scoped container, such all scoped dependency registrations will be disposed if implementing IDisposable when the actor is garbage collected.

Scoped Lifetime

In Unity, you will register dependencies for scoped lifetime like this:

 container.RegisterType<From,To>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager());


  • Remove dependency on unity
  • Use CoreCLR dependency injection instead
  • When dotnet core 1.1.0 is out, its possible to make services go from main.cs to startup.cs.