
Predictive State Propensity Subclassification (PSPS): A causal deep learning algoritm in TensorFlow keras

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pypsps: Predictive State Propensity Subclassification (PSPS) in Python

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from pypsps.keras import models
model = models.build_toy_model(n_states=4, n_features=6)

import tensorflow as tf

PSPS architecture

Predictive State Propensity Subclassification (PSPS) is a causal deep learning algorithm for observational (non-randomized) data proposed by Kelly, Kong, and Goerg (2022). PSPS decomposes the joint distribution of Pr(outcome, treatment | features) by conditioning on intermediate predictive states from Pr(treatment | features). These predictive state representations are trained simultaneously to the outcome models and provide a principled way to estimate propensity score strata to guarantee balancedness within the strata (block).


pypsps implements the causal learning algorithm proposed in Kelly, Kong, Goerg (2022) as custom layers, metrics, and causal loss functions. It is fully compatible with the tf.keras API and all losses, layers, metrics can be used for building comprehensive causal learning graphs suitable for any kind of causal data / inference problem.

General causal framework, not only binary treatment & continous outcome

PSPS is a general framework for causal learning for any treatment type (binary, continous, multi-class, ...) and any outcome type (univariate, multivariate; binary, continuous, multi-class, ...).

The pypsps.keras.models module contains build_toy_model() as a template of how to build a causal PSPS model architecture for the common case of binary treatment (T), numeric features (X) a univariate, continous outcome (Y), with a specific hidden layer structure. The toy model architecture can be used as a template for constructing specific PSPS model structure for the causal dataset at hand.


It can be installed directly from GitHub using:

pip install git+https://github.com/gmgeorg/pypsps.git

Code examples

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from pypsps.keras import models
from pypsps import datasets, inference, utils

ks_data = datasets.KangSchafer(true_ate=20).sample(n_samples=1000)
model = models.build_toy_model(
    n_states=4, n_features=ks_data.n_features, compile=True, alpha=10.
inputs, outputs = ks_data.to_keras_inputs_outputs()
history = model.fit(inputs,
preds = model.predict(inputs)
outcome_pred, scale, weights, propensity_score = utils.split_y_pred(preds)

pred_ate = inference.predict_ate(model, ks_data.features)
print("ATE\n\t true: %.1f \n\tnaive: %.1f \n\t PSPS: %.1f" % (
    ks_data.true_ate, ks_data.naive_ate(), pred_ate)
pd.DataFrame(history.history)[["loss", "val_loss"]].plot(logy=True); plt.grid()
	 true: 20.0 
	naive: -1.3 
	 PSPS: 17.3

PSPS architecture

Recommendation: If you have your own simulation study or real world dataset, wrap it into a datasets.base.CausalDataset() class and proceed as above for the KangSchafer().sample() example above.

Example notebooks


Kelly, Kong, and Goerg (2022), Predictive State Propensity Subclassification (PSPS): A causal inference algorithm for data-driven propensity score stratification, Proceedings of MLR for the Causal Learning and Reasoning (CLEAR) 2022.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Important: This is NOT an official Google code release of PSPS from the original research paper; the repo here is not related to Google in any way. This is simply a re-implementation of the Google research pre-print, with additional improvements/extension of the original architecture.