1) First you need to get the software to a new (recommeded) or existing directory on your server For example 1) create a new directory on you server called couponPromotion or whatever you want 2a) either unzip and ftp the software to the new directory 2B) upload the zip to your server and unzip it their You want to end up with a directory structure something like this in ..couponPromotion coupon_db_config_inc.php coupon_db_setup.php .... in ..couponPromotion/required_files gj_csrf.inc.php GMconfirm.php ..... 2) After you upload this to you server create a bookmark link to http://yourserver.com/couponPromotion/coupon_admin.php replace yourserver.com with you actual server name replace couponPromtion with the actual path to the software files you created above then go to the link you just created to see the in you browser to the admin page with title PopUp Coupon Admin follow the instructions from top to bottom until you get to Run Test Popup Page