
A collection of hacks for Call of Duty 1 v1.5

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A collection of hacks for Call of Duty v1.5.


Desk.dll is a multi-hack for Call of Duty 1. It features:

  • 3 state wallhack (all entities, flashing player models, and off). (Numpad 1)
  • 6 state chams (red, blue, green, pink/violet, black, and off). (Numpad 2)
  • Behind wall detection (turn on flashing models wallhack and chams, solid colors will indicate model is visible).
  • Night-mode. (Numpad 3)
  • No fog. (Numpad 4)
  • White-walls/no textures. (Numpad 5)

Undetected by PB from 2007/08/22 to ~2009.

Hack Screenshot


An internal ESP that works by hooking the game loop responsible for calling world-to-screen and loads a custom vm_main function that prints an "X" over the current location before rendering the entity.

Hack Screenshot


A multihack for CoD1 that features a wallhack, chams, full-bright, no-scope, no-fog and internal ui.

Hack Screenshot


A OpenGL wallhack that works via hooking CoD's internal call to glDrawElements while displaying players and modifies the call to disable depth testing.

Hack Screenshot


An internal wallhack that hooks CoD's syscall function and adjusts the render flag of entities that pass through for rendering.

Hack Screenshot


A no-recoil hack for CoD single-player that works by removing the instructions for aim being punched up while shooting.


A utility to log the counts of displayed entities to help isolate specific counts of player models.


A wallhack that uses the glTexCoordPointer method to achieve great results without logging counts.

Undetected by PB from 2007/12/23 to ~2008/02.

Hack Screenshot

Some notes

Some various reversing notes for v1.5.


00437C3C   8D4424 10        LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+10]
00437C40   50               PUSH EAX            ; text
00437C41   6A 00            PUSH 0				; format(push 1 places middle of screen, etc.)
00437C4B   E8 F0FBFFFF      CALL CoDMP.00437840

Hack Screenshot

Drawing Entities

004E025E     E8 AD5C0200    CALL CoDMP.00505F10    ;draw world
004E0263  |> E8 E8010000    CALL CoDMP.004E0450    
004E0268  |. E8 83FEFFFF    CALL CoDMP.004E00F0	   ;draw entities

Draw entities function can be found via the following string:

004E0190     68 EC435800    PUSH CoDMP.005843EC                      ;  ASCII "R_GetShaderByHandle: out of range hShader '%d'
004E0195     6A 02          PUSH 2
004E0197     FF15 000B9B01  CALL DWORD PTR DS:[19B0B00]              ;  CoDMP.00412960

Drawing Bullets, Smoke, and Particles

004E01AE     6A 00          PUSH 0
004E01B0     6A 00          PUSH 0
004E01B2     6A 00          PUSH 0
004E01B4     8BD0           MOV EDX,EAX
004E01B6     A1 480A9B01    MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[19B0A48]
004E01BB     68 B8215B00    PUSH CoDMP.005B21B8
004E01C0     E8 6BFDFFFF    CALL CoDMP.004DFF30
004E01C5     83C4 10        ADD ESP,10

Drawing Player Structures

004E01D1   > 50             PUSH EAX                                 ; /Arg1; Case 1 of switch 004E0164
004E01D2   . E8 E9970300    CALL CoDMP.005199C0                      ; \CoDMP.005199C0
004E01D7   . 83C4 04        ADD ESP,4

Hack Screenshot

Drawing Cars, Foliage, and Dynamic Entities

004E01DC   > E8 2F3B0300    CALL CoDMP.00513D10                      ;  Case 2 of switch 004E0164

Hack Screenshot

Drawing Switch Case

004E01E3   > 68 6CBD5800    PUSH CoDMP.0058BD6C                      ;  ASCII 15,"R_AddEntitySurfaces: "; Default case of switch 004E0164

OpenGL Stuff


00575BF6     FF15 E0BE9901  CALL DWORD PTR DS:[199BEE0]              ;  opengl32.glDisable
00575C0D     FF15 3CC69901  CALL DWORD PTR DS:[199C63C]              ;  opengl32.glDrawElements
00575C19     FF15 68C49901  CALL DWORD PTR DS:[199C468]              ;  opengl32.glEnable

Drawing calls:

00508153   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[199C63C]               opengl32.glDrawElements	;draw the sky
005145CC   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[199C63C]               opengl32.glDrawElements	;draw model statics
00518D6C   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[199C63C]               opengl32.glDrawElements	;models, compass, etc.
0051A39F   CALL DWORD PTR DS:[199C63C]               opengl32.glDrawElements	;gun models