
Examples of using various popular database libraries and ORM in Go.

Primary LanguageGo


Examples of using various popular database libraries and ORM in Go.

The aim is to demonstrate and compare usage for several operations

  1. Simple CRUD operation
  2. 1-to-Many queries
  3. Many-to-many queries
  4. Dynamic list filter from query parameter
  5. Transaction
  6. SQL Injection



There are four tables. The users table and addresses table are linked by the pivot user_addresses table. The addresses table contains a foreign key to countries to demonstrate 1-to-many relationship.

To make things interesting, we make middle_name an optional field. We also have a 'protected/hidden' field in which we do not want to return in a JSON response, like a password.



Setup postgres database by either running from docker-compose or manually.

docker-compose up 

This creates both postgres database (which this repo uses) and ent database which is used by ent ORM.

If you create the database manually, execute the database/01-postgres-schema.sql script.

Default database credentials are defined in config/config.go. These can be overwritten by setting environment variables. For example:

export DB_NAME=test_db


Run with

go run main.go

Run examples from example folder.

Blog Posts

This repository accompanies the blog posts at https://www.gmhafiz.com/blog/golang-database-library-orm-example-intro/