
TODO Backend Starter

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TODO Backend Starter

A basic starter backend to go along with the Todo UI. Based off the source created by the Express Application Generator

Meant to be a "reasonable start" for a backend service. See Other Packages below for additional suggestions.


Web Packages

Name Description
Express Web Framework
body-parser Body Parser for Express
cookie-parser Cookie Parser for Express
cors CORS Handler for Express
ejs Template Engine
helmet Security Helper
morgan HTTP Request Logger
serve-favicon Favicon helper

DB Packages

Name Description
sqlite3 Node package for SQLite
knex SQL Helper

Misc Package

Name Description
ESLint JavaScript Linter
debug Debug Utility
cross-env Cross Platform Environment Variables
npm-run-all Run Multiple NPM Scripts
Rimraf rm -rf util for node

Testing Packages

Name Description
Mocha (Site) Test Framework
Chai (Site) Assertion Library
chai-as-promised Chai Extension for promises

Data Model

Initial Data Model. Note This needs to match your work in the Todo UI

Field Type Notes
id number primary key
priority string Values: Low, Medium, High
status string Values: New, In Progress, Done, Canceled
category string Values: Home, Work, Other
title string
description string
created date/time Timestamp created on server
lastUpdated date/time Timestamp updated on server

Other Package

The following packages are not included but are worth considering

Name Description
compression Compression Library
dotenv Load environment variables from a file
pm2 Production Process Manager
nodemon File watcher that restarts app on changes
pino Logger
winston Logger
bunyan Logger
rollbar Error Tracking to Rollbar