A basic starter backend to go along with the Todo UI. Based off the source created by the Express Application Generator
Meant to be a "reasonable start" for a backend service. See Other Packages
below for additional suggestions.
Name | Description |
Express | Web Framework |
body-parser | Body Parser for Express |
cookie-parser | Cookie Parser for Express |
cors | CORS Handler for Express |
ejs | Template Engine |
helmet | Security Helper |
morgan | HTTP Request Logger |
serve-favicon | Favicon helper |
Name | Description |
sqlite3 | Node package for SQLite |
knex | SQL Helper |
Name | Description |
ESLint | JavaScript Linter |
debug | Debug Utility |
cross-env | Cross Platform Environment Variables |
npm-run-all | Run Multiple NPM Scripts |
Rimraf | rm -rf util for node |
Name | Description |
Mocha (Site) | Test Framework |
Chai (Site) | Assertion Library |
chai-as-promised | Chai Extension for promises |
Initial Data Model. Note This needs to match your work in the Todo UI
Field | Type | Notes |
id | number | primary key |
priority | string | Values: Low, Medium, High |
status | string | Values: New, In Progress, Done, Canceled |
category | string | Values: Home, Work, Other |
title | string | |
description | string | |
created | date/time | Timestamp created on server |
lastUpdated | date/time | Timestamp updated on server |
The following packages are not included but are worth considering
Name | Description |
compression | Compression Library |
dotenv | Load environment variables from a file |
pm2 | Production Process Manager |
nodemon | File watcher that restarts app on changes |
pino | Logger |
winston | Logger |
bunyan | Logger |
rollbar | Error Tracking to Rollbar |