
Extension for integrating Languagetool with TipTap. You can have your self-hosted instance of LanguageTool, details are here.

Special thanks to https://github.com/rezaffm for sponsoring this project.


How to use

Copy the languagetool.ts or languagetool.js file in your project depending on whether you use TypeScript or not. Then import the extension from that file and give it to the TipTap.

import { LanguageTool, Match } from './extensions/languagetool'

const match = ref<Match>(null)

const updateMatch = (editor: Editor) => match.value = editor.extensionStorage.languagetool.match

const replacements = computed(() => match.value?.replacements || [])

const matchMessage = computed(() => match.value?.message || 'No Message')

const updateHtml = () => navigator.clipboard.writeText(editor.value.getHTML())

const acceptSuggestion = (sug) => {

const proofread = () => editor.value.commands.proofread()

const editor = useEditor({
  extensions: [StarterKit, LanguageTool.configure({ 
    language: 'auto', // it can detect language automatically or you can write your own language like 'en-US'
    apiUrl: YOUR_LANGUAGETOOL_SERVER_URL_HERE + 'check', // For testing purposes, you can use [Public API](https://dev.languagetool.org/public-http-api), but keep an eye on the rules that they've written there
    automaticMode: true, // if true, it will start proofreading immediately otherwise only when you execute `proofread` command of the extension.
  onUpdate({ editor }) {
    setTimeout(() => updateMatch(editor as any))
  onSelectionUpdate({ editor }) {
    setTimeout(() => updateMatch(editor as any))

Now showing the suggestion on click, so now in the vue component where you've implemented tiptap.

  :tippy-options="{ placement: 'bottom', animation: 'fade' }"
  <section class="bubble-menu-section-container">
    <section class="message-section">
      {{ matchMessage }}
    <section class="suggestions-section">
        v-for="(replacement, i) in replacements"
        @click="() => acceptSuggestion(replacement)"
        :key="i + replacement.value"
        {{ replacement.value }}

You can implement your own styles or copy the ones in Tiptap.vue.

Stuff that nobody really cares about(Project setup)

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.