
I used to play a mmorpg called Tibia when I was younger, I found that lately the game entered on Steam Greenlight so I decided to create a program to check the online playerbase of the game. This program gets the Online players information from the official game website and stores it in a database possibilitating the user to see a graph with all of the information stored in the database or a graph with the highest and lowest number of online players registered, showing the date of the record.


Python Version: 3.4.3

  1. Install pip

    $sudo apt-get -y install python-pip

  2. Install Numpy

    $sudo pip install numpy

  3. Install Bealtifulsoup

$sudo pip install beautifulsoup4

  1. Install Matplotlib

    $sudo pip install matplotlib

  2. Install cairocffi

    $sudo pip install cairocffi

  3. Download and test2.db