
Clojure CoreWar implementation.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


A functional Clojure implementation of the ICWS94 Draft CoreWar standard.

Interpreter only, no redcode assembler yet.

This is a straight functional translation of the code in the spec. Currently untested save in the REPL - there will be horrendous bugs in here. Should be some some good test cases out there already somewhere...

No deps so should be trivially ClojureScript-able.



Not fast yet but well under a second for battles with 80000-cycle limit and parallelises cleanly. Of course, not all battles go the distance so this is shoddy benchmarking...

marston.core>  (time (frequencies (map status (take 100 (repeatedly (fn [] (battle IMP DWARF)))))))
"Elapsed time: 43235.078962 msecs"
{[:drawn] 76, [:won "dwarf"] 24}
marston.core> (time (frequencies (map status (pmap (fn [x] (battle IMP DWARF)) (range 100)))))
"Elapsed time: 11706.437191 msecs"
{[:drawn] 79, [:won "dwarf"] 21}


Copyright © 2014 Greg Hawkins

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.