Bolão COPA 2010 :) You broke the build? If yes, watch: Monday, June 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated the application.rb to aplicattion_controller.rb, everything seems to be working now. If you guys make any updates or have any issues/questions lets keep track of them on the README file, what you guys think about it? Sunday, June 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [solved] Just tried to setup everything on my mac, and while running the application I got some issues: When I tried to install sqlite3 my mac asked for ruby 1.9.1 instead of 1.8.7 (current) Trying to "workaround" on this, I installed sqlite3-ruby After this when I tried to access localhost:3000/teams it is giving me one error: NameError in TeamsController#index uninitialized constant ApplicationController RAILS_ROOT: /Users/guilhermemotta/Work/Bolao Any hints? Ideas? Help?