
checking functionality of cljs-css-modules

Primary LanguageClojure

Testing cljs-css-modules


Testing https://github.com/matthieu-beteille/cljs-css-modules by porting parts of https://github.com/css-modules/webpack-demo into a set of devcards to understand how they both work, and whether I want to go this way.

Getting started

Clone the repo, and run lein cljsbuild once dev in it. Start a local web server serving the resources/public folder, and then visit cards.html.


The repo is set up for figwheel devcards development in Intellij. If you use a different ide you'll probably want to remove the dependency on figwheel-sidecar, and add in the figwheel plugin instead.


https://github.com/matthieu-beteille/cljs-css-modules works fine. Tests exists and pass and keyframe support is now present too.