
Tool to generate project templates for any programming language or framework.

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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A tool to generate project templates and file trees for any programming language or framework.

Template Format

To define a template just declare a file tree where variables will be in the format ___VAR_NAME___. Variables will be detected in file paths and in file contents.

Example of a Template file tree:


Content example for the README.md entry above:

# ___project_name___


## Usage


`$> ___project_name_dir___ -h`

## See Also

- ___homepage___

Project Manifest

You can declare a project manifest at project_template.yaml:

  description: The name of the project.
  example: Simple App

  description: The project directory name.
  example: simple_app

  description: The project description for `pubspec.yaml`.
  example: A simple project.
  default: A project from template.
  • Variables with a default value won't be mandatory when using the CLI command create.


The package can be used as a command-line interface (CLI) or as a Dart library to be imported in other projects or other CLI tools.


You can use the built-in command-line: project_template

To activate it globally:

  $> dart pub global activate project_template

Now you can use the CLI directly:

  $> project_template --help

CLI Commands


Prepare a Template from a directory into a single file. The resulting file should be used by command create.

Prepare to a JSON file:

  $> project_template prepare -d example/template-example -r ".DS_Store$" -o /tmp/template-x.json

Prepare to a Zip file:

  $> project_template prepare -d example/template-example -r ".DS_Store$" -o /tmp/template-x.zip
  • -d: The Template directory/source.
    • Source types:
      • Directory: path/to/template-directory
      • Zip file: path/to/template-x.zip
      • Tar+gZip file: path/to/template-x.tar.gz
      • Tar file: path/to/template-x.tar
  • -r: A RegExp of a file path to ignore.
  • -o: The prepared Template output file (to be used by create command below).
    • Output File formats:
      • Zip file: path/to/template-x.zip
      • Tar+gZip file: path/to/template-x.tar.gz
      • Tar file: path/to/template-x.tar
      • JSON file: path/to/template-x.json
      • YAML file: path/to/template-x.yaml


Show information about a Template (files, variables and manifest):

  $> project_template info -t /tmp/template-x.zip
  • -t: The template path.
    • Path types:
      • Directory: path/to/template-directory
      • Zip file: path/to/template-x.zip
      • Tar+gZip file: path/to/template-x.tar.gz
      • Tar file: path/to/template-x.tar
      • JSON file: path/to/template-x.json
      • YAML file: path/to/template-x.yaml


Create/build a file tree from a Template:

  $> project_template create -t /tmp/template-x.zip -p project_name_dir=foo -p project_name=Foo -p "project_description=Foo project." -p homepage=http://foo.com -o /tmp/project-x
  • -t: The template path.
    • Path types:
      • Directory: path/to/template-directory
      • Zip file: path/to/template-x.zip
      • Tar+gZip file: path/to/template-x.tar.gz
      • Tar file: path/to/template-x.tar
      • JSON file: path/to/template-x.json
      • YAML file: path/to/template-x.yaml
  • -p: A template property/variable definition.
  • -o: The output directory/zip/tar.gz (where the resolve project file tree will be generated).
    • Output types:
      • Directory: path/to/template-directory
      • Zip file: path/to/template-x.zip
      • Tar+gZip file: path/to/template-x.tar.gz
      • Tar file: path/to/template-x.tar

Library Usage

Here's a simple example that loads a Template from a directory, resolves/builds it (with the variables definitions) and then saves it to a new directory.

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:project_template/src/project_template_storage_io.dart';

void main() async {

  var sourceDir = Directory('path/to/template-dir');
  // The template storage:
  var storage = StorageIO.directory(sourceDir)

  // List files at storage:
  var files = storage.listFiles();

  // Load a Template using storage files:
  var template = await storage.loadTemplate();

  // Parse the Template files and identify the variables:
  var variables = template.parseTemplateVariables();

  // Return the Template manifest (`project_template.yaml`).
  var manifest = template.getManifest();

  // Define the variables to build a template: 
  var variables = {
    'project_name': 'Project X',
    'project_name_dir': 'project_x',
    'homepage': 'https://project-x.domain',

  // Resolve/build the template:
  var templateResolved = template.resolve(variables);

  // Print all Template files as a YAML document:

  var saveDir = Directory('/path/to/workspace');
  // Save `templateResolved` files to `/path/to/workspace/project_x`:
  var storageSave = StorageIO.directory(saveDir);
  templateResolved.saveTo(storageSave, 'project_x');

See the example for more.

To use this library in your code, see the API documentation.

CLI Library Usage

The CLI classes, based on Command (used with CommandRunner) of package args, are also exposed to be integrated with other projects and other CLI tools.

Here's an example of a tool-x using project_template_cli:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:project_template/project_template_cli.dart';

void _consolePrinter(Object? o) {

const String cliTitle = '[Tool-X/${Template.version}]';

void main(List<String> args) async {
  var commandRunner =
      CommandRunner<bool>('tool-x', '$cliTitle - CLI Tool')
        ..addCommand(CommandInfo(cliTitle, _consolePrinter))
        ..addCommand(CommandCreate(cliTitle, _consolePrinter))
        ..addCommand(CommandPrepare(cliTitle, _consolePrinter));
  var ok = await commandRunner.run(args) ;

  exit(ok ? 0 : 1);

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


Graciliano M. Passos: gmpassos@GitHub.


Apache License - Version 2.0