rdrand code taken from https://github.com/kmowery/rdrand.git

Modified by Dushyant Srikant
CSE 199 - Spring 2015

1. Generate the random numbers
2. Copy into local file and checksum (MD5)
3. Copy file by file over to ...
4. Create directories, __ files then make a new directory
	-> After __ files, change write location

Things to consider when writing the number generation logic :

- The ES always shows single-bit bias, serial correlation and other
	 small deviations from perfect randomness. If these biases
	 are severe, they may reduce the entropy rate of the ES below
	 acceptable levels.

- The ES might take a long time to warm up, and during this time could
	 output mostly 0s or mostly 1s until it settles on the metastable

- The ES might become “stuck”, always outputting 0 or always outputting 1.

- The ES might oscillate between 0 and 1, or in some other short pattern.

- The ES might be mostly stuck in one of the preceding patterns, but
	 occasionally deviate from it.

- The ES might be influenced by an external circuit (for example, a nearby
	 bus or the chip’s power supply) in a way that is predictable or
	 exploitable by an attacker.