
A MicroPython driver for the SX1276 LoRa chip

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

FreakWAN and a MicroPython SX1276 driver

This repository is a work in progress for the following two projects that are going to live in the same place:

  • An SX1276 driver written in MicroPython, for devices like the LYLIGO TTGO LoRa (TM) v2 1.6 and similar.
  • A simple WAN system using LoRa devices, called FreakWAN, part of the FreakNetproject.

The driver itself is the single file sx1276.py, and the example.py file shows how to work with it: just copy the driver inside your project and you are done. The rest of this README is about FreakWAN, the project that uses this driver to create a distributed messaging system over LoRa.


FreakWAN is an effort to create a LoRa based, open WAN network over LoRa. Our goal is to cover parts of the Sicily which such network. However the code will be freely available for anyone wanting to build their own LoRa WANs on top of this work.

This code is currently NOT COMPLETE and designed to work with the following ESP32-based devices:

  1. LYLIGO TTGO T3 v2 1.6 LoRa module.
  2. LYLIGO TTGO T Beam LoRa module.

However changing the pins setup to adapt it to other ESP32 modules that have an SX1276 LoRa chip and an SSD1306 display, should be very little work.


  • Install MicroPython on your device.
  • Optional: edit wan_config.py if you want to set your nickname and status message. This file will later contain more configuration parameters that are currently hard-coded inside the code, since for now all is alpha stage.
  • Transfer all the .py files in the root directory of this project (with the exception of example.py, that is not needed) in your device. To transfer the files, we recommend using ampy (pip3 install adafruit-ampy should be enough).
  • Restart your device.


It is possible to use the device via Bluetooth, using one of the following applications:

  • Mobile: install one of the many BLE UART apps in your phone. For instance, if you use nRF Toolbox, select the UART utility service, connect to the device and send a text message or just !help. On Android, we recommend the Serial Bluetooth Terminal app. It works great out of the box, but for the best experience go to Settings, Send tab, and select clear input on send.
  • Desktup: install Freakble following the project README.

Using one of the above, you can talk with the device sending CLI commands. If you just send some text, it will be sent as message in the network. If you send a valid command starting with the ! character, it will be executed. For now you can use:

  • !automsg [on/off] to disable enable automatic messages used for testing.
  • !bat to show the battery level.
  • !preset <name> to set a LoRa preset. Each preset is a specific spreading, bandiwidth and coding rate setup. To see all the available presets write !preset help.
  • !sp, !bw, !cr change the spreading, bandwidth and coding rate independently, if you wish.
  • !ls shows the list of nodes this node is sensing via HELLO messages.
  • !font big|small will change between an 8x8 and a 5x7 (4x6 usable area) font.

FreakWAN network specification

The rest of this document is useful for anybody wanting to understand the internals of FreakWAN. The kind of messages it sends, how messages are relayed in order to reach far nodes, the retransmission and acknowledge logic, and so forth.

The goals of the design is:

  1. Allow far nodes to communicate using intermediate nodes.
  2. To employ techniques to mitigate missed messages due to the fact the SX1276 is half-duplex, so can't hear messages when transmitting.
  3. Do 1 and 2 considering the available data rate, which is very low.

Message formats

The low level (layer 2) format is the one with the explicit header selected, so it is up to the chip to add a length, a CRC and so forth. This layer is not covered here, as from the SX1276 driver we directly get the clean bytes received. So this covers layer 3, that is the messages format implemented by FreakWAN.

The first byte is the message type byte. The following message types are defined:

  • MessageTypeData = 0
  • MessageTypeAck = 1
  • MessageTypeHello = 2
  • MessageTypeBulkStart = 3
  • MessageTypeBulkData = 4
  • MessageTypeBulkEND = 5
  • MessageTypeBulkReply = 6

The second byte of messages of all the message types is the flag byte. Bits have the following meaning:

  • Bit 0: Ralayed. Set if the message was repeated by some node that is not the originator of the message. Relayed messages are not acknowledged.
  • Bit 1: PleaseRelay. If this flag is set, other receivers of the message will try to repeat the message, so that it can travel further in the WAN.
  • Bit 2: Fragment. This flag means that this message is a fragment of many, that should be reassembled in order to retrieve the full Data message. This specification does not yet cover fragmentation, it will be added later.
  • Bit 3: Media. For message of type 'Data' this flag means that the message is not text, but some kind of media. See the Data messages section for more information.
  • Bit 1-7: Reserved for future uses. Should be 0.

Currently not all the message types are implemented.

DATA message


| type:8 | flags:8 | message ID:32 | TTL:8 | sender:48 | Message string:...

Note that there is no message length, as it is implicitly encoded in the previous layer. The Message string is in the following format:


The TTL is set to 255 normally, and decreased at every retransmission. The sender ID is the HMAC returned by the device API, while the 32 bit message ID is generated randomly, and is used in order to mark a message as already processed, in order to discard duplicates (and there are many since the protocol uses broadcasted retransmissions in order to build the WAN).

Note that on retransmissions of the same message by other nodes, with the scope of reaaching the whole network, the message sender remains set to the same sender of the original message, that is, the device that created the message the first time. So there is no way to tell who sent a given retransmission of a given message.

Data messages may contain media in case this flag is set in the header of the message:

  • Bit 3: Media.

When this happens, the data inside the message is not some text in the form nick:message. Instead the first byte of the message is the media type ID, from 0 to 255. Right now only a media type is defined:

  • Media type 0: FreakWAN Compressed Image (FCI). Small 1 bit color image.

Devices receiving this message should try to show the bitmap on the screen, if possible, or if the image is too big or they like any graphical display ability, some text should be produced to make the user aware that the message contains an image.

ACK message

The ACK message is used to acknowledge the sender that some nearby device actually received the message sent. ACKs are sent only when receiving messages of type: DATA, and only if the Relayed flag is not set.

The goal of ACK messages are two:

  1. They inform the sender of the fact at least some near nodes (immediately connected hops) received the message. The sender can't know, just by ACKs, the total reach of the message, but it will now if the number of receivers is non-zero.
  2. Each sender takes a list of directly connected nodes, via the HELLO messages (see later in this document). When a sender transmits some data, it will resend it multiple times, in order to make delivery more likely. To save channel time, when a sender receives an ACK from all the known neighbor nodes, it must suppress further retransmissions of the message. In practice this often means that, out of 3 different transmission attempts, only one will be performed.

The reason why nodes don't acknowledge with ACKs messages that are relayed (and thus have the Relayed flag set) is the following:

  • We can't waste channel time to make the sender aware of far nodes that received the message. For each message we would have to produce N-1 ACKs (with N being the number of nodes), and even worse such ACKs would be relayed as well to reach the sender. This does not make sense, in practice: LoRa bandwidth is tiny. So the only point of sending ACKs to relayed messages would be to suppress retransmissions of relayed messages: this, however, is used in the first hop (as described before) only because we want to inform the original sender of the fact somebody received the message. However using this mechanism to just suppress retransmissions is futile: often the ACKs would waste more channel bandwidth than the time saved.


| type:8 | flags:8 | message ID:32 | 8 bits ack type | 46 bit sender |


  • The type id is MessageTypeAck
  • Flags are set to 0. Ack messages should never be repeated.
  • The 32 bit message ID is the ID of the acknowledged message. ACKs don't have a message ID for the ACK itself, as they are fire and forget and it would not be useful.
  • The ACK type is the message type of the original message we are acknowledging.
  • Sender is the sender node, the one that is acknowledging the message, so this is NOT the sender of the original massage. The sender field is used so that who sent the acknowledged message can know which node acknowledged it.

HELLO message

This message has the unique goal of advertising our presence to other devices in the network. This way, when a new device, part of the WAN, is powered on, it can tell if it is alone or surrounded by one or more other participants that are near enough to be received.

Hello messages are sent periodically, with a random period between 60000 and 120000 milliseconds (one to two minutes).

Devices receiving HELLO messages will compile a list of neighbors. A device is removed from the list if we don't receive a HELLO message from it for 10 minutes (this means we need to miss many successive hello messages, in order to remove a device -- this is an important point, since we need to account for the high probability of losing messages for being in TX mode while some other node broadcasts).


| type:8 | flags:8 | 46 bit sender | seen:8 | status message
  • The type id is set to the HELLO message type.

  • Flags are currently unused for the HELLO message.

  • The sender is the device ID of the sender.

  • Seen is the number of devices this device is currently sensing, that is, the length of its neighbors list.

  • The status message is a string composed of the nickname of the owner, then a semicolon, and a message that the user can set. Like:

    antirez:Hi there! I'm part of FreakWAN.

Messages relay

Data messages with the PleaseRelay flag set are retransmitted by the nodes receiving them. The retransmission is the fundamental way in which the WAN is built. Imagine the following FreakWAN set of devices:

A <------ 10 km -------> B <----- 10km -----> C

For a message sent by A to reach C, if we imagine a range of, for instance, 12 km, When B receives the messages created by A it must repeat the messages, so that C can also receive them.

To do so, FreakWAN uses the following mechanism:

  1. A data message that has the PleaseRelay bit set, when received, is retransmitted multiple times, assuming its TTL is still greater than 1. The TTL of the message is decremented by one, the Relayed flag is set in the message, finally the message is send again as it is, without changing the sender address, but maintaining the original one.
  2. Devices may chose to avoid retransmitting messages with a too high RSSI, in order to avoid using precious channel time without a good reason. It is of little interest that two very nearby devices retransmit their messages.
  3. Retransmitted messages have the Relayed flag set, so ACKs are not transmitted by the receivers of those messages. FreakWAN ACKs only serve to inform the originator of the message that some neighbor device received the message, but are not used in order to notify of the final destinations of the message, as this would require a lot of channel time and is quite useless. For direct messages between users, when they will be implemented, the acknowledge of reception can be created on top of the messaging system itself, sending an explicit reply.
  4. Each message received and never seen before is relayed N times, with N being a configuration inside the program defaulting to 3. However users may change it, depending on the network nodes density and other parameters.