Spring 4 RESTFul Controller Example (REST CRUD Example)

Template example for Spring 4 MVC + RESTful Service with pure Java Configuration (no XML), using Maven build tool.

###1. Technologies

  • Spring 4.3.1.RELEASE
  • Maven 3.3.3
  • JPA with Hibernate
  • JPARepository

###2. Create Table Estudiante

  1. Execute script to create table. File name createTableEstudiante.sql

###3. To Run this project locally

$ git clone https://github.com/viralpatel/spring4-restful-example
$ mvn tomcat7:run

Get All Example http://localhost:8080/springrest/estudiantes

Get One Example http://localhost:8080/springrest/estudiantes/<id existente para consultar>

Post example

        "id": <valor de algun id para modificar>,
        "firstName": "juan",
        "lastName": "perez",
        "email": "juan.perez@gmail.com"

Put example

     "id": <valor de algun id existente para modificar>,
     "firstName": "juanmodificado",
     "lastName": "perez",
     "email": "luciana.bazan@globant.com"

Spring 4 REST Tutorial

###4. To import this project in Eclipse IDE

  1. $ mvn eclipse:eclipse
  2. Import into Eclipse via existing projects into workspace option.
  3. Done.

###5. Project Demo Please refer to this article Spring 4 RESTFul Service Tutorial