
Automatically configure a server running jenkins, setup necessary runtime packages and setup jenkins configuration files using Ansible.

Configuring Jenkins using Ansible


  1. Objectives
  2. Description
  3. Screencast


  • Using ansible, automatically configure a server running jenkins, abiding by the following constraints:

    • Setup necessary runtime packages automatically.
    • Be able to setup jenkins configuration files automatically.
    • Be able to automatically setup a job to build this repo.


The playbook to setup Jenkins can be found here.

The tree structure of the playbook is as follows:

- main.yml                    # The main YML file which gets executed by ansible-playbook
- roles/
	- jenkins/
		- files/
			- jenkins-ci.org.key
		- templates/
			- build.xml.j2
		- vars/
			- main.yml
		- tasks/
			- main.yml
			- dependencies.yml
			- jenkins.yml
			- jobs.yml

Run ansible-playbook -i inventory main.yml -s to automatically start executing the role jenkins which will in turn execute all the task files in order.

The file dependencies.yml installs the necessary runtime packages and dependencies required by Jenkins automatically.

The file jenkins.yml will install Jenkins, Jenkins CLI as well as the git plugin required by Jenkins to build the JSPDemo Project. It also configures Jenkins automatically by disabling security by appropriately modifying the config.xml file used by Jenkins.

The file jobs.yml will actually use a template to create a job in jenkins as well as build that job.


Click here to view the screencast video.