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It is about rethinking how WordPress themes <em>should</em> work. It looks simple on the outside, but you can do nearly anything with enough creativity. Everyone from first-time WordPress users to advanced developers and designers can take advantage of this theme.</p> <h2>What is Hybrid?</h2> <p>I've been dabbling in the art of creating WordPress themes since 2005 and Web site design a couple of years longer than that. In that time, I've come to realize that the reuse of code is a cornerstone of good development practice. Why code the same things over and over when I can build off the same codebase, continually making it better?</p> <p><em>Hybrid</em> is a parent theme that focuses on code reuse and upgradability. What this means is that all of the core functionality is housed within a single theme. And, any time one wants to make a modification, it should be done within a child theme. By doing this, the <em>Hybrid</em> parent theme can be upgraded (just like WordPress) without any loss of customizations.</p> <h2>Features</h2> <p>The theme has everything you need to get started building your site. Here's a list of some of the features:</p> <ul> <li>Runs off the brilliant <a href="http://themehybrid.com/hybrid-core" title="Hybrid Core theme framework">Hybrid Core framework</a>.</li> <li>Makes use of standard WordPress functions so that plugins will integrate easily.</li> <li>Dynamic global, post, and comment <acronym title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</acronym> classes.</li> <li>Fully localized, so you can run <em>Hybrid</em> in any language.</li> <li>Uses the built-in WordPress menu system. No need to hack your navigation into place.</li> <li>Context-aware action and filter hooks, so you don't have to learn WordPress conditional tags.</li> <li>Some of the most-used filter hooks are shortcode-ready and have accompanying shortcodes.</li> <li>Theme settings page that allows you to add custom meta boxes and settings.</li> <li>A redefined template hierarchy that makes larger sites easier to design for.</li> <li>Ability to create custom templates for any post type in multiple ways.</li> <li>Highly-configurable widgets that give you full control over their display.</li> <li>Has the <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/get-the-image" title="Get the Image WordPress plugin">Get the Image</a> plugin built in.</li> <li>Has the <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/breadcrumb-trail" title="Breadcrumb Trail WordPress plugin">Breadcrumb Trail</a> plugin built-in.</li> <li>Comes loaded with eight default widget areas.</li> <li>Widget areas are content-aware, meaning that they only appear if they contain active widgets.</li> <li>Widgetized 404 template, which allows you to create a custom 404 error page.</li> <li>And much, much more!</li> </ul> <p>Remember, those are just <em>some</em> of the features. <em>Hybrid</em> is a foundation that should make it easy to launch nearly any WordPress-powered site.</p> <h2>Child Themes</h2> <p>When I call <em>Hybrid</em> a parent theme, I mean it. It is <em><strong>meant</strong></em> to be used as a base theme to build from. What this allows us to do is extend it through child themes.</p> <p>Yes, you can create your own theme. Even if you're a total <em>noob</em> to WordPress!</p> <p>Just create a new theme folder in your <code>/wp-content/themes</code> directory. Call it something like <em>My Hybrid</em> or some other much cooler name. So, you'd have a directory like <code>/wp-content/themes/my-hybrid</code>. Then, create a <code>style.css</code> file within your theme folder. At the top, add this information:</p> <pre><code>/** * Theme Name: My Hybrid * Theme URI: http://link-to-your-site.com * Description: Describe what your theme should be like. * Version: 0.1 * Author: Your Name * Author URI: http://link-to-your-site.com * Tags: Add, Whatever, Tags, You, Want * Template: hybrid */</code></pre> <p>Now, you have your own theme! Of course, you might want to style it.</p> <p>You can import the parent theme's (<em>Hybrid's</em>) default <acronym title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</acronym> by adding the following code and modifying from there. Alternatively, you can start completely from scratch.</p> <pre><code>/* Import the Hybrid parent theme styles. */ @import url( '../hybrid/style.css' );</code></pre> <h2>Theme Support</h2> <p>The most authoritative source for finding out how to use the theme or do some nifty stuff is the <a href="http://themehybrid.com/themes/hybrid" title="Hybrid theme page">theme documentation</a>. I'll constantly update it with tutorials and frequently asked questions.</p> <p>We also have a vibrant community at the <a href="http://themehybrid.com/support" title="Theme Hybrid support forums">Theme Hybrid Support Forums</a> where you can get help with <em>Hybrid</em>-related issues.</p> <h2>Important Notes</h2> <p><strong>Page Templates:</strong> Many of the page templates currently begin with the prefix <code>page-</code>. This may conflict with your pages by overwriting the default template. For example, if you have a page named <em>Bookmarks</em>, the <code>page-bookmarks.php</code> template will be used. Unfortunately, this was a feature added to WordPress <em>after</em> the establishment of a standard template-naming scheme for the theme. These templates will eventually be renamed to have a prefix of <code>page-template-</code> to avoid the rare conflict. Right now, the templates exist for backwards compatibility for the 1,000s of current theme users.</p> <h2>Not enough flexibility?</h2> <p>The <em>Hybrid</em> theme isn't the greatest invention ever. It has limitations for more experienced developers, the biggest being the lack of control over the theme structure. It is a good base for people looking to just use <acronym title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</acronym> to quickly put out sites though.</p> <p>If you're looking for more control than just being able to modify the design, you should definitely check out <a href="http://themehybrid.com/hybrid-core" title="Hybrid Core theme framework">Hybrid Core</a>, which is the theme development framework <em>Hybrid</em> and many other themes are built from. It gives you full control over the markup, design, and scripts for your theme projects.</p> <h2>Copyright & License</h2> <p><em>Hybrid</em> is licensed under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html" title="GNU GPL">GNU General Public License</a>, version 2 (<acronym title="GNU General Public License">GPL</acronym>).</p> <p>This theme is copyrighted to <a href="http://justintadlock.com" title="Justin Tadlock">Justin Tadlock</a> and <a href="http://themehybrid.com" title="Theme Hybrid">Theme Hybrid</a>.</p> <p>2008 – 2013 © Justin Tadlock.</p> </body> </html>