Not getting the greeks other than IV
Closed this issue · 6 comments
I am using to calculate the greeks, as in your example, but I am not getting any greeks in the result object (delta, gamma, etc...), I am only getting IV.
Could you explain how to retrieve the rest of the greeks.
Thank you in advance,
Hi @didieruzan !
Thanks for letting me know. Please include a sample the code/data you are testing with so I can test it locally too.
Hi @gnagel
Sure, here are some input data for options: AAU1160318P00005000
stock_price: 0.5377
stock_dividend_rate: 0.0
federal_reserve_interest_rate: 0.01
option_expires_in_days: 1
option_strike: 5.0
option_type: :put
option_price: 6.3000
Hi @gnagel, I just realised I didn't supply you a sample code as you requested, so here it is:
calc_result =
:stock_price => 0.5747,
:stock_dividend_rate => 0.0,
:federal_reserve_interest_rate => 0.01,
:option_expires_in_days => 20,
:option_strike => 5.0,
:option_type => :put,
:option_price => 6.2100
You'll notice that calc_result does not include delta, gamma, vega, rho nor theta, even though it should according to documentation.
Thank you in advance.
Hi @didieruzan
I did some research into this one. You are missing two parameters: :option_volume & :option_open_interest. Once you supply those parameters the calcualtions work correctly:
opts = {:stock_price=>4.04, :stock_dividend_rate=>0.0, :option_type=>nil, :option_price=>0.17, :option_strike=>3.5, :option_expires_in_days=>50.0, :federal_reserve_interest_rate=>0.03, :option_volume=>100.0, :option_open_interest=>0.0, :option_type => :put}
calc_result =
puts calc_result.to_hash
# {
# :federal_reserve_interest_rate=>0.03,
# :stock_dividend_rate=>0.0,
# :stock_price=>4.04,
# :option_expires_in_days=>50.0,
# :option_type=>:put,
# :option_strike=>3.5,
# :option_price=>0.17,
# :option_volume=>100.0,
# :option_open_interest=>0.0,
# :premium_value=>0.0,
# :time_value=>0.17,
# :annualized_premium_value=>33.94,
# :annualized_time_value=>33.94,
# :iv=>68.02,
# :delta=>-5.81,
# :gamma=>-5.05,
# :vega=>1.9,
# :rho=>-0.95,
# :theta=>-1.86,
# :delta_vs_theta=>3.13,
# :break_even=>26.33
# }
I'll add some debugging helpers to the module to make it clearer when an error occurs, as well as push up the V2 of this library with a cleaner syntax & more tests.
Thank you!
Didier Uzan
Mobile: +972 54 779 3384
On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 6:33 PM G Nagel wrote:
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#2 (comment).Didier Uzan
+972 54 779 3384