
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of helper widgets that directly bind to your database structure. It's extremely simple to use.


  • Install plugin from git:

    rails plugin install git://github.com/gnagno/quidgets2.git

  • modify your application.html.erb, replace in the tag the include javascript directive with:

    <%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery-1.5.1.min.js' %> <%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery-ui-1.8.10.custom.min.js' %> <%= javascript_include_tag ph_quidgets_jquery_path %>


Generate two example models:

rails g model user name:string description:text active:boolean role_id:integer

rails g model role name:string

Models associations:

  • user.rb

    belongs_to :role

  • role.rb

    has_many :users

Generate a test controller and action

rails g controller test index

In your index action create some test objects and pass them to the view:

if( User.count == 0 )
  User.create!(:name => "Ignazio", :active => true, :description => "my test user") 

if(Role.count == 0)
  Role.create!(:name => "Manager")
  Role.create!(:name => "Administrator")
  Role.create!(:name => "Programmer")
@user   = User.first
@roles  = Role.all

Finally let's add some widgets to our test view:


<h2>Testing checkbox</h2>

<%= label_tag( "active_check_#{@user.id}", "User active") %>
<%= raw checkbox( @user,"active",{:id => "active_check_#{@user.id}", :name => 'test', :class=>'hello'}) %>

<hr />

<h2>Testing radio</h2>

<%= raw radio_group(@user,Role.all, :id, :name, {:name => "role_group_#{@user.id}"}) %>

<hr />

<h2>Testing textbox</h2>

<%= raw text_box(@user, "name", {:id => "user_textbox_#{@user.id}"})%>

<hr />

<h2>Testing listbox</h2>

<hr />

<h2>Testing dropbox</h2>

<%= raw dropbox(@user, :role_id, Role.all, :id, :name, {:id => "role_#{@user.id}"}) %>

<h2>Testing listbox drag & drop</h2>

<%= raw listbox_dragdrop(@roles, :name, :position, {:id => "listbox_dragdrop_1"}, {:callback => 'my_callback'}) %>

Launch the server, visit http://localhost:3000/test/index and have fun :)

Supported widgets

  • CHECKBOX: checkbox(object,method,html_options = {})
    Ex: <%= raw checkbox( @user,"active",{:id => "active_check_#{@user.id}", :name => 'test', :class=>'hello'}) %>

  • RADIO BUTTON: radio(object,choice,html_options = {}) Ex:

    <%= raw radio_group(@user,Role.all, :id, :name, {:name => "role_group_#{@user.id}"}) %>


    <%= raw text_box(@user, "name", {:id => "user_textbox_#{@user.id}"})%>

  • LISTBOX: (in progress)

  • DROPBOX: dropbox(instance,choices,html_options = {}) EX: <%= dropbox(user,Role.all,{:id => "role_#{user.id}"}) %>

  • listbox_dragdrop(params) # Coming soon

Copyright (c) 2010 Quidgets, released under the MIT license