#Overview Tutorial application I built to demonstrate some basic concepts for getting started with AngularJS. A few areas covered:
- Creating a module
- Using a factory
- Using a controller
- Two-way binding of data pulled by the factory
- Basic form handling
Uses bootstrap for the design. No extra css required.
##Want to hand code it? Step 1: Download custom build of HTML5 Boilerplate - http://www.initializr.com/. In the build, don't worry about including jQuery or Google Analytics.
Step 2: Clean up the index html (no need for article or footer)
Step 3: Add the AngularJS library to your index.html (above the main.js script includes)
Step 4: Add your AngularJS goodness
##Other Notes Using API at http://isithackday.com/arrpi.php
Helpful links available here