
GlacierVotes is a lightweight spigot plugin to give rewards for your votes from minecraftpocket-servers.com. make sure your server stays on top of all the server list sites including the Minecraft PE/BE server list site.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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GlacierVotes is a lightweight spigot plugin to give rewards for your votes from minecraftpocket-servers.com. make sure your server stays on top of all the server list sites including the Minecraft PE/BE server list site


Glaciervotes are made for servers that usually use Geyser and are registered at minecraftpocket-servers.com (Minecraft PE voting sites) Just simple plugin.

this repo maybe contains unstable changes/code consider using spigotmc version for stability. please use release version instead

Why ?

  1. Tell the player when he hasn't voted
  2. Execute command on player join when someone votes for your server
  3. Simple Setup ( no additional port needed )
  4. Simple & fast

How to use

  1. Download latest release
  2. Put it in the "plugins" folder
  3. Modify config.yml and edit apikey
  4. Reload the plugin
  5. You're done ✅


Like other plugins but if there's config update you must backup your "config.yml" and delete before updating



Test Server

mc.renderycrafty.my.id (Inactive)




Actually this plugin is for my private use but if you want to use it or contribute you are very welcome

This plugin is not affiliated with Minecraftpocket-servers.com The developer is not responsible for any damage, accident, data loss or other things caused by this plugin. But the developer made sure that this plugin has been tested And proven safe