
This is a collection of flashcard decks created for classes at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

This is a collection of flashcard decks created for classes at Karlsruher Institute of Technology. Currently, includes:

  • Analysetechniken großer Datenbestände taught by Prof. K. Böhm (WS 20/21 version)
  • Advanced ML taught by Dr. A. Nazemi (SS 20 version)
  • Artificial Intelligence in Service Systems by Dr. Niklas Kühl (WS 21/22 version) (WIP 🚧)
  • Business Intelligence Systems by Dr. Mario Nadj (WS 21/22 version) (WIP 🚧)
  • Derivate by Prof. Dr. Uhrig-Homburg (SS 21 version) (WIP 🚧)
  • Heterogene Parallele Rechnerstrukturen taught by Prof. W. Karl (WS 20/21 version)
  • Höhere Mathematik I taught by Prof. G. Herzog (WS 19/20 version)
  • Höhere Mathematik II taught by Prof. G. Herzog (SS 20 version)
  • Lineare Algebra I taught by Prof. T. Hartnick (WS 19/20 version)
  • Maschinelles Lernen (Grundverfahren) taught by Prof. G. Neumann (WS 20/21 version)
  • Parallelrechner taught by Prof. A. Streit (SS 20 version)
  • Patentrecht taught by M. Hoessle (SS 21 version)
  • Recommendersysteme taught by Prof. A. Geyer-Schulz (SS 20 version)
  • Rechnerstrukturen taught by Prof. W. Karl (also requires heterogene parallele Rechnerstrukturen) (SS 21 version)
  • Software-Architektur und Qualität taught by Prof. R. Reussner (SS 21 version)
  • Valuation taught by Prof. M. Ruckes (WS 20/21 version)
  • Vertragsgestaltung taught by S. Leipert (SS 21 version)
  • Vertragsgestaltung in der IT taught by M. Menk (WS 21/22 version) (WIP 🚧)


Some cards require LaTeX to be rendered correctly. For using anki together with LaTeX see this webpage.


⚠️ Please note, that the decks might contain errors or are incomplete. Feel free to open an issue, if you find errors.