
A rull basic notes app in React, using React Router, Webpack, ES6, and a basic Express.js server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A basic note taking frontend app, to learn about React and React Router.

Interesting things other than React...

  • React Router
    • Client side routes!
  • Webpack
    • Package up all of React app into a single javascript bundle!


$ bundle install && npm install

We only use a Gemfile so that we can ensure foreman is installed. This simplifies running multiple processes.


$ foreman start -f Procfile.dev


We use a very basic Express.js server that acts as a delivery point of the client-side code. Everything in client/ is compiled into public/bundle.js using Webpack.

Check out Procfile.dev. This starts up a server and a builder, so when you make changes to a file in client/, public/bundle.js will be rebuilt for you automatically.