
very basic test of a docker problem

Primary LanguagePython

Testing an issue in Docker

Do requests made from one Docker container to another on a Docker Machine behave the same as requests made from one Docker container to a server on the host?

Also, does it matter if it's on Docker or on the host OS?

SO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37889960/moving-app-to-docker-from-host-increases-http-lag-by-5-seconds


brew update
brew reinstall docker docker-machine docker-compose
docker-machine create default --driver virtualbox
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # `brew update && brew install python3` to get pip3

Testing within machine

You're in a docker container and you need to communicate to a server running in a separate container on the same host OS.

First, get the server up, since it takes time to start up.

docker-compose -f within-machine.yml build
docker-compose -f within-machine.yml up -d server

Then, run the emitter.

docker-compose -f within-machine.yml up emitter


dockerprob_server_1 is up-to-date
Recreating dockerprob_emitter_1
Attaching to dockerprob_emitter_1
emitter_1  |
emitter_1  | Total Time:  0.008154
dockerprob_emitter_1 exited with code 0

Testing across machine

You're in a docker container and you need to communicate to a server running on the host OS from within a container on a Docker Machine.

In one terminal on the host machine,

hug -f server.py -p 8002

In another terminal, first provide SERVER_URL. Here, I'm assuming you're on a mac, figure out how to provide hostip on your own machine if it's different.

alias hostip='ifconfig en0 | grep "inet\ " | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d" " -f2'
export SERVER_URL="http://`hostip`:8002"

Now, you're ready to build and run the emitter.

docker-compose -f across-machine.yml build
docker-compose -f across-machine.yml up emitter


Recreating dockerprob_emitter_1
Attaching to dockerprob_emitter_1
emitter_1  |
emitter_1  | Total Time:  0.017632
dockerprob_emitter_1 exited with code 0

Testing outside Docker

You're on the host OS and you need to communicate to some server on the host OS.

In one terminal,

hug -f server.py -p 8003

In another terminal,

SERVER_URL= python3 emitter.py


Total Time:  0.022352

My system

OS X 10.11.5
VBoxManage version: 5.0.22r108108
Docker version 1.11.2, build b9f10c9
docker-compose version 1.7.1, build unknown
docker-machine version 0.7.0, build a650a40