
Ansible playbook to configure a simple lamp server

Primary LanguagePHP


This Vagrantfile will deploy a virtual machine with the ip, then will configure it as a lamp server. A shared folder called 'webapp' is setup so you can easily deploy your webapp into '/var/www'. The Ansible playbook will also install Influxdb with Telegraf to collect metrics and Grafana as dashboard to display the metrics.

##Instructions In order to use this Vagrantfile, first you need to:

  1. Install Git
  2. Install Virtualbox
  3. Install Vagrant
  4. Install Ansible

Then, run the following commands in a terminal

git clone https://github.com/gnasr/vagrant_lamp.git
cd vagrant_lamp

To install php, apache and mysql this Vagrantfile uses Ansible as provisioner, so you must install the ansible playbook requirements

##The Ansible playbook requires:

  • geerlingguy.apache
  • geerlingguy.mysql
  • geerlingguy.php
  • ansiblebit.influxdb
  • dj-wasabi.telegraf
  • Stouts.grafana

You can install this roles using ansible-galaxy:

cd ansible
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/roles_requirements.yml

Now you are ready to start the virtual machine:

vagrant up

Vagrant will download an Ubuntu 14.04 image and create the virtual machine, then ansible will configure the services.


  • To test if apache and php were successfully installed, you need to enter this url in your web browser You must see a web page showing the info of the php version installed.
  • To test mysql enter in your terminal, (use the default password):
vagrant ssh
mysql -u root -p -e "SELECT @@version;"

You should see something like:

| @@version               |
| 5.5.52-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 |

To enter in Grafana dashboard you need to enter this url in your web browser and use the default user and password:

Then go to datasources and configure influxdb with the url http://localhost:8086 and telegraf as database name. Now you are ready to start adding querys into your dashboard to show mysql, apache or system stats.

##Ansible default roles variables:

Variable Default
apache_listen_port 80
mysql_enabled_on_startup yes
mysql_root_password root
grafana_admin_user admin
grafana_admin_password admin
telegraf_plugins_extra mysql, apache