
Provision a DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform

Primary LanguageHCL


Provision a DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster with Terraform!

Resources created:

  • DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster with a configurable name, region, node droplet size, and number of nodes
  • Helm charts for nginx-ingress and external-dns
  • Helm charts and Kubernetes custom resources for cert-manager

This accomplishes the setup steps from these two tutorials on DigitalOcean: here and here


In order for this to work, you will need to generate a DigitalOcean API Token and have it handy.

You will also need to have terraform-provider-k8s installed (pay attention: not the default Kubernetes Terraform provider). See installation instructions on GitHub here.


Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/boorse/dok8s.git
cd dok8s/

Initialize the Terraform providers:

terraform init

Apply changes, providing custom values where needed. See the next section for a list of variables available.

# provide custom values for DO_API_TOKEN, MY_CLUSTER_NAME, etc
terraform apply -var do_token=$DO_API_TOKEN -var nodes_count=3 -var $MY_CLUSTER_NAME -var node_size=$SIZE -var cluster_region=$DO_REGION

Applying changes should take 6-7 minutes in total. Once this has completed, there should be a file in the root directory called kubeconfig that can be used to access the cluster using kubectl.

To access the cluster:

# copy to default kubeconfig location
cp ./kubeconfig ~/.kube/config

# test access
kubectl get all 

It is worth mentioning here that (according to the Known Issues page for DigitalOcean Kubernetes) this kubeconfig file will expire after 7 days. Due to this, it is suggested to follow the steps in this tutorial to connect to your cluster instead of regenerating this kubeconfig file every week.

Input Variables

The following variables are used to configure Terraform. They can be passed into the terraform apply command using the -var flag.

Name Description Type
do_token DigitalOcean API Token string
nodes_count The number of nodes to initialize in the cluster number
node_size Size of droplets to create in the cluster node pool. For example: s-2vcpu-4gb. A full list of droplet size slugs can be found with the doctl compute size list command. string
cluster_region Region to create cluster inside. For example: nyc1. A full list of region slugs can be found with the doctl compute region list command. string
cluster_name The cluster name string