
📚 What I’ve read so far, powered by Goodreads

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


What I’ve read so far.

Just kidding.


This project runs once a week, fetches my Goodreads profile and generates a page with its content. Inspired by Frank Chimero, but since I’m not as good of a designer as he is, I put my effort into automating it.


I’ve looked into a few tools to put this together, but I soon realised that not much was needed. No fancy technologies or front-end frameworks. There was no need to make this anymore complicated than a static page. The only new things I’ve looked at were:

Run this project

npm install
npm start

Before running the application, make sure you have these variables set (you can use a .env file for it, since I’m using dotenv):

    As usual for APIs, you’ll need a Goodreads key
    A string of the shelf you walk to look at (mine’s 'read')
    Whenever you’re on your Goodreads profile, your ID will be the numeric part at https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/12345678-something

Check package.json for all the available commands, under the "scripts" key.

Future plans

  • Scope Google Fonts to specific chars (source
  • Change the GitHub Action from running on push to running every Monday
  • Put this GitHub Page under https://bookshelf.gnclmorais.com
  • Title filter to allow display of shorter, more custom titles
