Set of links with useful information for programming.
- (spanish) - Introduction to programming from scratch (spanish)
- Introduccion a la programacion (spanish) - Introduction to programming from scratch, using HTML, JS and CSS (frontend development)
- Introduction to Software Engineering (spanish) - Basic concepts that are related to software (although not directly)
- Algoritmos y Estructura de datos - UTN FRBA (Spanish)
- Developmer Roadmap - A roadmap for both backend and frontend development (web)
- Introduction to graph theory (spanish) - Basic introduction to graph theory
- Introduction to trees (spanish) - Basic introduction to trees (requires previous understanding of graph theory)
- Introduction to programming paradigms (spanish) - Brief introduction to the notion of differents programming paradigms.
- Introduction to Source Control: What is Source Control?
- GIT from scratch
- Pro GIT book (spanish) - Available in PDF, EPUB and MOBI.
- Visualizing Git - A visual tool to see git's graph as the user enters git commands.
- Learning Git Branching - Another visual tool to learn Git with an online tutorial.
- Introduction to OOP (spanish) uqbar introduction to OOP
- SOLID - Principles of Object Oriented design - Pluralsight course with basic principles of OOP design
- UML Class Diagram - understanding UML Class Diagram and how to read and understand OOP designs
- Difference between association, aggregation, and composition
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Book) - Advanced book with different object oriented patterns.
- Introduction to Functional programming (spanish) - Brief introduction to functional programming
- Introduction to Logical programming (spanish) - Brief introduction to logical programming.
- Understanding UML database Diagram - Lucidchart basic post to understand how to map your database design to a UML diagram
- Use the Index, Luke! What every developer should know about SQL performance - A blog page oriented to SQL, with all the contents a Software Developer should know about SQL Performance
- Pluralsight Path: MySQL - A set of Pluralsight's courses to learn basics of MySQL
- Introduction to Transact SQL (Sql Server)(Spanish) - PDF to use basic functionalities that are part of MSSQL
- Pluralsight's js path - A set of 8 online courses to learn and master basics of js.
- Javascript: The good parts - Book about JS (no frameworks nor libraries)
- You don't know JS Online book about js
- FreeCodeCamp free course for frontend development.
- StackOverflow - The best place to ask (and answer!) questions about programming