Here you can see or download the report that we produce for this project
- CPU version: compile it with g++
- GPU1 version: compile through the MakeFile with the command make under the directory associated
- GPU2 version: compile through the MakeFile with the command make under the directory associated
Given that the input file has a csv format and it is also pre-processed (no value different from numbers are admitted), you can call the PCA procedure as following:
CPU : cpu1.main <dataset_csv> <column_separator> <number_of_rows_csv> <number_of_columns_csv>
- Eg.
./main "soil_data.csv" "," 3109 32
GPU1 : gpu1.main <dataset_csv> <column_separator> <number_of_rows_csv> <number_of_columns_csv>
- Eg.
./gpu1.main "soil_data.csv" "," 3109 32
GPU2 : gpu2.main <dataset_csv> <column_separator> <number_of_rows_csv> <number_of_columns_csv>
- Eg.
./gpu2.main "soil_data.csv" "," 3109 32
It will produce an output file EigenVectors.csv that contains all the eigenvector ordered by importance and that represent the 99% of information retrieved by the covariance matrix, near zero-s eigenvalues are avoided
We create 3 different programs that will do the job for us, if you are curious to see how it works the make file include also the compile for the experiment program, but it is more hardcoded and require that "soil_data.csv" are in the same directory of the executable.
CPU : cpu.experiment <name_of_the_machine_on_which_it_will_be_run>
- Eg.
./cpu1.experiment "kronos.cpu"
GPU1 : gpu1.main <name_of_the_machine_on_which_it_will_be_run>
- Eg.
./gpu1.experiment "kronos.gpu1"
GPU2 : gpu2.main <name_of_the_machine_on_which_it_will_be_run>
- Eg.
./gpu2.experiment "kronos.gpu2"
CPU & GPU1 each row represent an experiment, each value represent elapsed time to do this task expressend in seconds
GPU2 each row represent an experiment, each value represent elapsed time to do this task expressend in seconds
-If you are very curious here you can see all the result in terms of computational time:
-Here it is the data set that we used