Client-side schemas for Total.js
BETA VERSION - use at your own risk
How it works
All you need is the clientschemas.js module. Then initialize the module, by using bellow code in some definition file
F.on('module#clientschemas', function(module) {
schemas: {
'Contact': { // this will allow access to Contact schema
authorize: true,// same as authorize flag in route definition, uses F.onAuthorize
role: '@admin' // same as @role flag in route definition
Now it's time to use it on the client
SCHEMA('Contact').save({"email":"smolamartin@seznam.dsf"}, function(err, response){
console.log('SAVE', err, response);
SCHEMA('Contact').get({id: <some-id>}, function(err, response){
console.log('GET', err, response);
SCHEMA('Contact').query(function(err, response){
console.log('QUERY', err, response);