CSV and TXT file reader/merger

  • this uses streams to read in multiple files in from the input folder and will go through and read each line and pick out the first item comma delimited;
  • the additinal features may be turned off and it can stream / merge files without edits by removing the items in the lineParser function


  • should have Node JS 13 or higher installed.
git clone https://github.com/gngenius02/csv-text-filemerger.git
cd csv-text-filemerger
npm i
npm run build
chmod +x dist/index.js
npm link
  • or as a 1 liner;

git clone https://github.com/gngenius02/csv-text-filemerger.git; cd csv-text-filemerger; npm i; npm run build; chmod +x dist/index.js; npm link;

  • if you no longer want to keep the symlink navigate back into the main directory and run

npm unlink


readcsv path/to/input/folder

  • example:

readcsv input

  • or go navicate to your Documents folder and run

readcsv .


  • add more error checking, and
  • make it useable for a bigger variety of use cases.