
Tool sets to analyze high throughput data for RNA modifications

Install the R package from Github

Depends: GenomicFeatures, Rsamtools, ggplot2, doParallel, foreach,grid,rtracklayer,GenomicAlignments,reshape2,Rcpp,RcppArmadillo, Guitar, stringr,vcfR,gamlss, broom, DESeq2

# install_github("scottzijiezhang/MeRIPtools")

Manual page

Please refer to manual page for detailed instructions.


MeRIPtools is a tool sets that implemented functions for peak calling, QTL calling, differential methylation analysis, visualization.

If you used MeRIPtools in your publication, please cite: Something to be published...

Note MeRIPtools also have wrapper functions to call functions from other R packages to do specific analysis.
If you used the plotMetaGene or MetaGene function, please cite the original R package Guitar
Cui X, Wei Z, Zhang L, Liu H, Sun L, Zhang s, Huang Y, Meng J (2016). “Guitar: an R/Bioconductor package for gene annotation guided transcriptomic analysis of RNA related genomic features.” BioMed Research International.


1. reads counting

该软件首先将基因区域分成 bins,然后统计每个 bin 上的 counts。

可以通过 MeRIPtools::countReads 函数获得 MeRIP 对象,对象信息如下

  • MeRIP@geneBins

    • 基因ID
    • 根据事先设定的 bin 大小得到的 bin 终止长度


                                     gene bin
ENSG00000000003.10,20  ENSG00000000003.10  20
ENSG00000000003.10,60  ENSG00000000003.10  60
ENSG00000000003.10,99  ENSG00000000003.10  99
ENSG00000000003.10,139 ENSG00000000003.10 139
ENSG00000000003.10,178 ENSG00000000003.10 178
ENSG00000000003.10,218 ENSG00000000003.10 218

2.peak calling

method.R 文件中,函数 callPeakFisher 对每一个 bin 都进行了 fisher's exact test。

fisher_result <- t( mapply(.fisher_exact_test, batch_ip[,j], batch_input[,j], overall_ip[j], overall_input[j]) )


  • batch_ip[,j] 表示某个基因的第 j 个 bin 在 IP 中的 reads count
  • overall_ip[j] 表示某个基因所有 bin 在 IP 中 reads count 的中值
  • input 同理


由于该软件并没有输出检验之后的关键信息,例如 p-value/fdr 等,因此,这里我添加了更多信息 —— 查看 callPeakFisher 函数,另外相应地为 MeRIP.peak 类增加了一个 slot peakCallResultMore