
Community created parallella projects

Primary LanguageVHDL

Community created example Parallella projects.

actors_dct2d Actor based 2D DCT
aobench Ambient occlusion renderer
blobluska Real-time ray tracing visual music generator
dac-wavegen Sine/sawtooth waveform generator using I2C DAC
digital-pot LED fader using 8-bit digital potentiometer
aobench Ambient occlusion renderer
blobuska Real-time ray tracing visual music generator
dac-wavegen Sine and sawtooth waveform generator using DAC
digital-pot Fading an LED using 8-bit digital POT
ebsp-hello "Hello world!" example using Epiphany BSP
epython Write Python code to run on the Epiphany
mpi-fft2d Threaded MPI to implement a 2D FFT for Epiphany
eprime Testing for prime numbers using Epiphany
fft-xcorr 2D image correlator demo
game-of-life Conway's game of life, each eCore is a cell
heat_stencil 5-point star shaped heat equation stencil
john JohnTheRipper password cracker for Parallella
kinect_test Kinect demo that uses Epiphany
lena 2D FFT based filter running on Epiphany
mandelbrot Real time Mandelbrot zoomer
assembly-opt Assembly optimized matrix multiplication
mini-nbody Nbody simulation
motion-cap Motion capture camera project for Parallella
nbody_mpi Nbody example using the Epiphany MPI
para-para "hello world" apps in OpenMP, MPI and OpenCL
paralle2 Pseudo Eternity II solver
pi-machin-like Approximation of π using machin-like formula
riecoin Riecoin miner
r-opencl R with OpenCL running on Parallella
rpi-camera Raspberry pi camera module bounty project
slides Creating slide decks from Markdown
sobel Sobel filter example
vfft Very fast FFT for the Epiphany core
raymarch Raymarching OpenCL framework with examples


Contributions to this repository are welcomed.

To submit a project for inclusion:

  1. Fork this repository to your personal github account using the 'fork' button above
  2. Clone your 'parallella-examples' fork to a local computer using 'git clone'
  3. Create a new sub-directory at the root of the repo
  4. Add your project files with the appropriate license clearly stated
  5. Add a README.md file (see the .skeleton directory for a template)
  6. Use git add-->git commit-->git push to add changes to your fork of 'parallella-examples'
  7. Submit a pull request by clicking the 'pull request' button on YOUR github 'parallella-examples' repo.


  • The project must build, run and serve as a useful example
  • Basic documentation must be included, e.g. dependencies, building and use
  • Only GPL (v2 or later), BSD, Apache, and MIT licensed code will be accepted