Hassle-free inline clojure.spec with semi-automatic generative testing and side effect detection
- 7
Ability to override config
#23 opened by mjmeintjes - 1
Disable side effect checking for print statements
#51 opened by kovasap - 1
No reason shown for why a function failed check
#47 opened by kovasap - 1
NullPointerException when a >defn calls another >defn with invalid arguments
#42 opened by whmountains - 2
[?] How to enable or disable only some namespaces to instruemnt in ghostwheel.edn?
#35 opened by philoskim - 2
#33 opened by divs1210 - 2
Tracing support for Clojure
#32 opened by eoliphan - 2
- 2
- 3
Use metadata key for fn-body spec generation.
#27 opened by pithyless - 4
- 6
Macro idea for async instrumentation: >defn-go
#24 opened by tslocke - 5
Non-conforming function call does not show reason
#20 opened by majnu - 4
Test only changed functions
#6 opened by roman01la - 3
- 1
Instrumentation breaks when using ghostwheel
#37 opened by saikyun - 0
inline test spec
#29 opened by alidcast - 4
s/cat arg spec behaving incorrectly?
#25 opened by tslocke - 3
- 1
- 2
Does ghostwheel validate return values?
#21 opened by knubie - 3
- 2
trace stops working in 0.3.5
#18 opened by fonghou - 6
Getting `core.cljs:3868 Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation` in Electron Clojurescript project
#17 opened by armikhalev - 6
How can I check all my `>defn` via CLI?
#11 opened by khmelevskii - 3
Empty error messages in browser console
#9 opened by armikhalev - 2
- 1
Invalid regular expression
#14 opened by knubie - 2
>fdef doesn't work for me
#12 opened by khmelevskii - 1
How do I test the specs with plain old Clojure?
#10 opened by ahungry - 3
Test on CircleCI ?
#7 opened by marco-m - 2
- 3
Linking to cljdocs
#3 opened by l3nz - 1
Thread on Hacker News
#4 opened by piotr-yuxuan - 4
Make macros easier to use
#2 opened by thheller - 7
#1 opened by jmlsf